30. Red coats

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Felix -
oh my goodness oh my goodness he wanted to meet Melody he said he had to meet Melody know quicker than today are we were all going to be executed

I begin to quaver
little bit no It can't be  surely not we're not gonna get executed oh my goodness to make matters worse he kept on out stretching his hand like it was some form of object he outstretched hand and said he wanted to meet the kids I begin to cry .

I need there is no backing down I could see Melody and Maddie behind me I felt kind of sick to my stomach Melody and never liked more beautiful more intelligent and she didn't have to take a moment and then Shawnu Grin  got so massive I didn't know what to do he said he wanted to meet them .

I held my grip on Melody as she got closer I told her to gently outstretched her hand and give it to Shawnu She did it she was told and I'll be in the hyperventilate a little bit he asked so loud.

I started laughing hysterically he would've thought he found a bunch of acid or something I've never met somebody so save us before he can begin to make a Remark  about the kids and that he thought they were murdered children and how dare you try to pull his intelligence then he threatened Maddie with a lots of language .

I couldn't even understand Maddie tried to defuse the situation but then he bought that he would kill the kids ASAP if if he tested Noori and he thought he was human Noori did exactly what he was told to do The outstretched hand and gave it to him then again the evil  leader begin to laugh and chant more weight today that would beyond my comprehension .

I looked at Chris because I was at a loss for words and I knew Maddie  Liz Kairn and Bri were all getting pissed they all knew that our kids were not immortal

they are hybrids and the proof is right in front of your face and they wouldn't stop it was so so annoying you almost wanted to cry because of how idiotic they were being and then they were making up excuses as to why the kids would be a great flight to them because kids the best time have a temper tantrum's and if a child doesn't get what they want it there a mortal there would be no humans life because they would eat them all and second or in a fit of rage at that child ran they could bite and eat you within the process according to the urban legend it was like giving birth stories Mary's baby and Chris and I had to work so hard to change all the girls and keep them safe and keep them vegetarian food for us to lose them we weren't going to let anything happen to the coven we had built

we had worked too damn hard for it to all be aw taken away and I wasn't going to let it be all taken away.

I was going to fight to the tooth and nail because I wasn't going to let anybody take these girls they had meant so much to us all and I wasn't going to let him destroy my family I wasn't giving him the benefit of the doubt to do so so if I had to massacre everybody and do it so swiftly don't think for a second that I wouldn't do it because I would do it.

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