Prologue Part 1

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The last thing I remembered was that I was running. The Elshire forest loomed over me, surrounding me and encompassing me. As if it was moving on its own constantly shifting, repositioning as I absentmindedly navigated through its large expanse.

My life before I was a princess, The only people in my life before were my mother and father but both were always busy with work so my grandpa takes care of me. Other than him I was always alone constantly being used by others who would try to get close to me because of my position. I had ran outside the castle when I couldn't take it anymore and had decided that I had enough of being alone.

I had no idea how long I had been running but long enough for me not to notice where I was. Was it only a couple of minutes? Hours? Several hours? Time seemed to dissipate on its own as I ran mindlessly through this vast forest.

Nothing was on my mind at that time but only the thought of wanting to feel loved kept me conscious despite my crying. Feelings of abandonment, Feelings of loneliness, and feelings of betrayal invaded my dulled senses keeping me from what was going on around me.

No people were in this forest except me. . . or that's what I thought.

I stopped as I bumped into a man. The other people around him looked at him in his direction seeing what had taken his attention. There were four of them and each had similar clothing and a long knife strapped to each of their wastes. I don't who they were but by the looks of their plain-looking clothes they looked like pretty average looking people.

"Hohoho, Pinky, deuce look what we have here! It's an elf!"


That was all I could say before they quickly covered me in a gag and tossed me in their carriage like a ragdoll. leaving not a shred of dignity left in me as they stripped me of my clothes and covered me in rags. My screams echoed throughout the forest. . . . but no one was there. Absolutely no one.

My cries for help were muffled under the gag they put on me. I eventually gave up knowing that no one was coming to help me.

It had been several minutes since they started moving again when I heard screams of agony outside the carriage.


"Someone help-ugh!"

"Where is it coming fro-"

" "

" "

" "

Then it was completely silent. The audible silence was the only sound present.

'What happened?' I thought before my vision and mind completely blacked out.


Now, I'm awake but not at the same time. It's as if I'm fully conscious but still in a dormant state. I don't know happened to those bad guys but serves them right. Umm, thank you whoever helped me. Opening my eyelids I was met with a vast cavern that seemed to have several tunnels. To the side were what looked like a bountiful of colorful fruits that grow on the wall and onto the floor.

"Oh, you're awake!" A voice called

Turning to the direction of the noise I was met with a figure as if it was taken right out of a nightmare.

"Ahhhhhh! A monster! Mommy, someone help me!" I cried out but was in vain as the only thing I was met with were the echoes of my own screams in the cavern. I tried to crawl backwards but found myself already against a wall.

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