Dreams and Resolve | Chapter 13

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The sound of blades clashing, the sounds of various spells, and the explosive roar of cheers was all that could be heard. 

The massive arena, filled with what seemed like the entire continent is present watched this mysterious boy and I clash swords and shoot spells at one another. 

His sword skills were immaculate; from how his body shifts and his feet are positioned, to how his battle hardened gaze levels my own, his very aura gave that I was only able to feel from big sis Alea and big sis Aya.

What was this feeling?

It feels like I'm in a dream.

The white and purple haired boy that looked to be my own age kneeled on the ground gasping for air. One leg was kneeling and the other was planted on the cemented battle hard ground. 

His eyes were warily and his ones were held on the hilt of the sword; he struggled to get up or couldn't. His eyes gleamed a residual glow, one that said 'he wasn't about to give up just yet,' and the other showed a different emotion, one much, much stronger than any other emotion I have felt. 

But through all that he was only hanging on by a thread.

I wasn't in any better shape. I felt fatigued, most of my mana reserves are drained. Even though I can actually stand, I don't think I can use my beast will any longer. It seemed as if I used it to push this boy to his limits. 

I can feel Sylvie's worries towards me but they were drowned out by the crowd's endless roaring cheers and the drowsiness I felt since I entered this, 'dream'.

Suddenly I managed to muster enough strength to walk toward him. My steps were uneasy and lacked majesty, they were like two pitiful slaves being put to work after being put through the wringer.

I held up my sword to him and just as my sword came down to strike him, his head rose just slightly, but enough for his death defying gaze to pierce me like a pin needle through thin skin.

I froze.

The crowds' cheers seemed to be swallowed up by the sheer pressure his gaze was emitting.

Then my vision went blank and all I could hear were my parent's voices in the background calling out my name.




I immediately sprung up at the sudden spark of noise that traveled its way into my eardrums. Looking around I saw Amelia by my side with a cheeky grin, "What are you doing!?"

"What do you mean? You were sleeping and no matter how hard we woke you up you just didn't wake up." She said. I heard giggling from the side, turning myself to the noises I was met with Cammy and Mina laughing at my own expense. Eventually, we all started to laugh together.

"Hehe sorry guys I was in a-" I struggled to find the right words, "-weird dream." They all looked at me in confusion, "what do you mean dream?"

"I don't know I was in an arena of some sort and there were people all around us. There was a boy with purple and white hair as well as blue eyes. He was handsome to point that he could pass off as some royal." I told them. 

Looking at them Amelia had a brow raised at my statement and both Cammy and Mina were giggling among each other; I honestly had no idea what they are laughing about.

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