Enter the Arena | Chapter 15

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Tessia EralithPOV

WHAT A PERVERT!! What is he even thinking?! I was totally looking forward to meeting him, especially with all the hype around him, but now that I met him it seems that he's like every other boy.

I clicked my tongue in displeasure as I turned the corner to head toward the room where group two is at. 

I heard slow footsteps behind me, curious I peered over my shoulder to see who it is. A girl that looked to be around my age was walking toward me. She had midnight navy blue hair that draped down from her shoulders and crimson red eyes.

She smiled at me, "Hi, do you happen to be from my group?", I flashed her a forced smile "yes I am, just heading there right now. What's your name?"

She continued to hold her bright smile, "Caera, CaeraDenior. and you?"

I turned my head back to the direction we were heading, "TessiaEralith". I didn't hear a word from her for a couple of seconds until she spoke again, "Really? I've heard quite a bit about you, supposedly your one the most promising candidates to win."

I scratched my cheek in embarrassment. She caught up to me and gave me normal smile, as I returned the gesture, "What do you think the other opponents are going to be like, I heard that prodigy that everyone has been talking about joined the tournament, what was his name? Oh! Arthur Leywin, yea I heard that he's really good and is most likely going to win." I let out a frustrated breath, she seemed to notice and shot me a teasing smirk.

"Looks like you've heard enough about him." I smiled at her, "Yea I guess you could say that. I met him already and he doesn't seem all that cool; if anything he's just another pervert." 

She threw me a light chuckle, "Well he seems interesting, my brother is in the same group as him so I hope those two get along."

Finally arriving at the entrance where our group is, we turned to the tournament examiner in charge of signing us in. After the both of us got ourselves signed, and the guards at the door let us into the competitor room. 

Just past the door, revealed 7 other individuals all around our age. Since there were 9 candidates per group and 7 of them were already there, plus Caera and I made nine. This meant that we were most likely all ready to go.

"Let's go find ourselves a place to sit" Caera voiced by the side of me.

"Yes let's"

We made ourselves comfortable by a space a couple of feet away from everyone else. We started chatting away about miscellaneous things until we noticed light footfalls heading toward us. 

The source was what looked to be a half-elf with blond hair and yellow eyes. He had a massive grin practically plastered on his face which annoyed both of us because based on his demeanor he was trying the both of us. 

Caera's joyful smile quickly faded into an irritated frown at the sight of the guy.

"Hello you fine ladies, The name is Lucas Wykes of the house of Wykes. The second born of Otis Wykes, surely you both have heard of me."He bowed a ninety degrees angle. His gaze was not at the floor but at us. 

Caera held a chagrined smile while digging her nails into her palm, "Nope never heard of you, please leave us alone were trying to have a conversation here." She kept a neutral tone but I knew well that she was annoyed at the guy for his arrogance.

Lucas gritted his teeth, "Surely you ladies have never heard of my achievements. I'm a dark orange core mage with a specialty in fire magic, and my father had told me before that I'm close to unlocking lightning magic as a conjurer." Lucas stammered out, clearly emphasizing the fact that he's almost a deviant conjurer with is difficult for most people. 

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