Mysterious prodigal Twins | Chapter 16

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Virion Eralith POV

At the announcer's signal all nine competitors got in a defensive stance, something already preparing spells and the others already having their weapons directed at whoever. 

This is probably the most difficult part of the match, you're completely surrounded and if you go after one particular person someone might take advantage of the opening your leaving them.

Suddenly one of the competitors, a girl with purple hair and eyes jolts to a boy to her right with a spear completely cloaked in blue flames. The crowd erupts into a cheer, I wonder who she is?  

"Riza Eushgard" I heard a voice behind me. It was Cynthia walking toward me with a smile, her gaze was at the battlefield not at me.

"Riza Eushgard?" I questioned her.

"Yes, she is currently a dark yellow mage with all four elements, she's incredibly talented even though she came out of absolutely nowhere."

I felt my face contort into that of shock, "So then she's like Arthur, a commoner?" She shakes her head, "We're not sure, in fact, the only reason she and her brother are even in this tournament is that some man wanted them in the tournament, I only complied because they offered me a good deal."

I turned my gaze back to battle which seemed to have taken a large turn of events with everyone having an opponent of their own except that Riza girl having two. 

Cynthia came to sit next to me with a drink in hand, "So what kind of deal did 'this man' offer you Cynthia for you to admit the girl into the tournament?" Her gaze remained at the girl, and her eyes hardened into a hundred-yard stare, "That's. . . something I'm not yet ready to reveal to the world just yet"

I raised a brow at her statement which seemed to have caught her attention but didn't entertain it.

"The boy with white hair and brown eyes is her brother, Kizan Eushgard; he's a skilled bowman who is also a quadra elemental like his sister and Arthur. When he told me he was using a bow for the tournament I was dumbfounded but didn't question it; however, as you can see he doesn't seem to have much trouble," She spoke pointing to a boy that matches her exact description.

He was handsome and with a strong body to boot. He looked to be in a one-on-one situation with his enemy on the defensive. 

He was shooting lighting-clad arrows with amazing accuracy even though he has trouble getting them into place. Everything, from his gaze, to his battle stance, to how he understands his weaknesses and strengths as a bowman, made him out to be a seasoned veteran with more experience than he actually has.

"Scary huh?" Cynthia voiced, her voice filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Certainly, and here I thought that my granddaughter was probably the most talented person I've met, and here these two brats are showing up out of nowhere just putting on a show; first Arthur, and now these guys. It seems that this generation of mages is a talented bunch." I sighed a heavy breath.

She threw me a light chuckle at my comment. We turned our attention back to the battle and it seemed that already two people have been eliminated, one of the opponents that Riza was fighting and the one guy Kizan was facing off against. 

Kizan took a position on the outer ring of the arena shooting compressed aerial spells against his opponents. He was talented, he's only no older than my granddaughter and he seems to know how to fight in this type of situation. 

His sister Riza augmented herself in lightning and was fighting off against an elf mage, I recognized him, his name is Feyrith Ivasaar he used to play with Tessia and her friends back in Elenior.

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