Foreshadowing Fates | Chapter 4

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When we got back to the castle we all stepped out of the carriage. My grandfather led the way with my father and mother both holding my hands while we walk. The maids greeted us as they let us in.

"Tessia let's go to the courtyard where there is a bit of privacy and we can converse peacefully." My grandfather explained he landed a soft gaze on me but was still curious about me and what exactly happened.

I nodded and my parents let go of my hands since we're now out of public eyes. We continued to where the courtyard is and we chose to sit on one of the benches. When we settled down my grandfather spoke up. . .

"So Tessia can you explain what happened to you while you were gone? You aren't in any trouble but I just want to confirm if what you are saying is true."

My parents looked at me with worried expressions. My mother grabbed my hand gently held it

"Tessia if you don't want to talk about it's fine"

I shook my head, "No mommy I'm fine. The first thing I remembered was running into some humans, they stripped me of my clothes and said something about me selling for a lot"

When I said this my grandfather's expression immediately turned serious his arms crossed and teeth clenched. My mother gasped and held a hand over her mouth. . .

"slave traders" She mumbled. Her voice coming out hoarse and stale.

"SLAVE TRADERS!! I SHOULD'VE KNOWN IT WAS HUMANS!!" My father yelled out as he shout out.

I flinched, startled by his sudden outburst. Nevertheless I continued on with my encountered with the story.

I told them about what I remembered about the, as my father called them, 'slave traders'. I told them about how the person who saved me killed them and teleported me to her base. About Sylvia and what she first looked like.

My mother couldn't believe what she was hearing when she listened to my description of Sylvia. She had a horrified expression visible on her face while my father and grandpa on the other hand didn't say anything but I could see worry enveloping their eyes.

I then went on about my time with Sylvia and how she treated me during my stay there. I explained to them that she taught me how to use and sword and many other things expected of a fighter. My parent's faces seemed to have brightened up a bit after learning how she treated me.

"Where is Sylvia now I would like to thank her for treating you so well" My father spoke up landing a gentle smile on me.

At this I started to tear up a bit as I was unable to form a response through my incoherent sobs. My parents and grandfather instantly realized that whatever happened to her might've ended a tragedy.

"Tessia if you don't want to continue it's fine" My mother pulled me into a hug and gently comforted me the way only mothers could.

"No, it's *hic* fine *hic*. While Sylvia was creating the portal, a figure appeared and *hic* threatened her, she *hic* then pushed me through the portal *hic* she created to fight the *hic* big bad guy by herself." At this I dropped to the ground sobbing uncontrollably.

"I later *hic* found out that she had *hic* died saving me and *hic* she gave me a weird *hic* rainbow stone"I pulled out the stone she had given me and showed it to them. All thier eyes went wide. Grandpa rushed to me and kneeled down to my eye level.

"Tessia this isn't any ordinary stone, it's a dragon's egg. you're carrying Sylvia's child!"

"What!?!" Both my parents shouted.

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