New Genesis | Chapter 5

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Arthur LeywinPOV

Finally, after 2 long weeks of endless travel we finally made it!

The city of Xyrus!

"We're here you guys! brace for yourselves!" Helen announced as we approached the teleportation gate. She showed the guards at the teleportation gate our IDs and they let us through.

The journey through the teleportation gate evoked a peculiar sensation. As if in slow motion all around me was colorful energy, particles of red,blue, green, and brown enveloped us.

Those red particles looked oddly similar to the ones making up the fire. Then out of nowhere purple particles started to appear they surrounded the particles of red,blue, green, and brown but unlike them who often touched and bounced off of one another, the purple particles just stood on the outside encasing them. This happened with the fire back there.

Then the particles receded, the colorful flowing energy around them drained of color and then it stopped.

I looked around and it was the outside. I looked to my mother and then to Angela across from me to see if they saw what I was seeing. But they didn't, just like last time it was as if only I was hallucinating. Frustrated I let go of the topic for now.

We proceeded to continue in the carriage until we stopped. looking outside I was met with a massive house, a building almost. I think my father called these big houses, 'mansions'.

"Arthur, Alice We're here! Adam unload their bags!"

My mother got out of carriage first with me following behind. I walked to closer to the mansion and I couldn't help but marvel at the sight of it, it was massive. Were going to be living here for the rest of my life? Awesome!

"Arthur come here and help out your mother!" Helen called

"Oh! Sorry mom!" I rushed to her and grabbed two of our 2 suit cases.

We walked back to the front steps and my mother knocked on the front door. No more than 10 seconds later it opened revealing a man on the other side. He looked to be in his mid thirties and no more past his prime in looks. His features weren't all that, with brown hair, black eyes. He seemed to be wearing glasses to top it off. Beside him was a woman who looked to be in the same age range as man. 

I looked down and small girl that looked to be about my age was holding a teddy bear, she was looking at us with weary eyes.

"Welcome we've been waiting for you! oh! Where is Rey?" The man welcomed us. However when he asked about our father both mine and my mother's expressions turned solemn.

Both the man and the woman seemed to understand that it's a sensitive topic for and seemed to let it go.

The adults seemed to be conversing about some things that I didn't understand, probably because they're grownups. 

My attention was drawn to the girl holding a stuffed animal who looked to be about my age. Her features were average with black hair and brown eyes, other than that it seemed to me that she was a very unassuming girl.

I held my hand out to her, "Hi, my name is Arthur it's nice to meet you!"

She looked unsure of me before stuttering out a response, "I-it's nice to meet you, my name is Lilia." She didn't grab my hand but seemed to move away from her mother's legs; I think she's getting used to me.

We smiled at each other before the man with the glasses spoke up, "well why don't you guys come inside? Mary, prepare some drinks for them!"

I looked back and the twin horns were waving at us goodbye, my mother and I waving back at them. "Stay safe!" I yelled

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