One Expensive Head | Chapter 17

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At the announcer's signal nearly everyone stood at end not daring to move, however nearly everyone.

 On my right an elf that looked to be about blond hair and green eyes and around Tessia's age held a staff up into the air, he looked to yell something, and then a giant blazing storm of fire embers erupted into the air sending fire embers from his nearby competitors.

The spell was futile seeing as his neighboring enemies defended themselves from the spell. His opponent on his right looked to be flanked by an elf from his left. Instead, his enemy from his right elected to fight the blond-looking elf, "The boy's name is Lucas Wykes" Cynthia's voice rang from my side.

"Lucas Wykes, as in the Wykes family? So then he's a half-elf" I spoke neither with disdain nor pleasure. 

Cynthia took another sip of her tea, "Yes he is and he's representing the humans. He is one of the most promising competitors here in the venue today."

I didn't reply and instead laid my attention on the battlefield. Tessia looked to be fighting someone. A dwarf by the looks of it. It was a female with fairly bulky biceps at the light red core, wielding a dual battle ax. 

Since the event didn't have staffs that acted as a blade, Tessia elected to go with using a sword for the tournament. I felt that she made the right choice given that she had devoted a massive amount of time to training with the sword despite the fact she's a mid-range augmenter. 

Though I would say that it's more of both due to the way her draconic half had produced enough mana channels throughout her body for her to be an augmenter. Regardless, to classify her as an augmenter or conjurer now doesn't make sense anymore.

Tessia shot some wind bullets the dwarf's way, however, the dwarf blocked them. Tessia used this as an opportunity to close in on her opponent. The Dwarf conjured stone pillars in Tessia's path. Tessia dodged this effortlessly. She sent a water serpent the dwarf's way. The dwarf blocks this with an earthen wall. 

Much to everyone's surprise, Tessia augmented her body in fire magic and broke through the wall.

The crowd held a very tense gasp at this and the other royal families were just as surprised, "Impossible, Elfs can't use fire! Answer yourselves Eraliths!" Blaine yelled at my son and his wife. His wife tried to calm him down but she was also very shocked at my granddaughter's talent. 

My son and his wife held no expression to his inappropriate outburst, "Tessia is very strong and talented, hence the reason we permitted her to join the tournament. Also, many people have already vouched for her but you simply ignored every one of them, Blaine" My son said. The human king receded but still held dismay.

She dashed to the dwarf at incredible speeds with her rapier out. She brought her sword down on the dwarf's arm, it made contact and her arm began to bleed furiously. 

The dwarf slumped down in pain, Tessia held her rapier to the dwarf's chin and spoke some words. By the looks of it the dwarf stood up and Tessia allowed it, I guess Tessia felt that she had gone far enough with the dwarf and didn't want to deal any more damage. 

The referee declared the dwarf eliminated and she walked out of the arena.

Turning over to Lucas Wkyes it seemed that he had also eliminated a player and is fighting two-on-one. 

The navy blue-haired girl was also fighting someone. I believe the girl's name is Caera Denior. She was at the dark red stage and by the looks of no elemental affinities. 'How can she be in the tournament if she has no elemental affinities?' I thought. However, those thoughts quickly subsided when I saw her swordplay. 

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