What The Future Holds | Chapter 11

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Arthur LeywinPOV

"Ahhhh! Ughh!" I hit the ground causing a loud thud that resounded throughout my personal training room under Xyrus academy.

"That was good Arthur but you need to be able to understand that foresight can lead to a development in tunnel vision. I do believe that Kaspian has already told you about that, has he not?" Grandma asked me, standing just beside me. 

Her eyes glazed my own, perhaps studying my expression trying to discern whether or not I understood her or I just ignored her and continued with what I was doing.

"Yes, I understand grandma, I was able to read a couple of each of their moves but tracking each one of them while reading the battlefield ahead of time is extremely difficult," I said, gesturing to the three sparring partners I was told to fight one on three. 

I got up while dusting off whatever dirt was on my clothing.

"Arthur while I don't necessarily know the full scope of what you are trying to learn, I do know that sometimes finding time to take a deep breath in the middle of a heated battle can calm a person's nerves a lot." Hester Flamesworth said. 

She was one of the people I was sparring against and one of the people I've been sparring against for the longest time. 

She was kind to me and gave me a ton of advice to improve my fire control. Her eyes were a steady gaze, smile was warm, it was something you'd find from a grandmother. Her body was poised to face directly towards me and no animosity or envy emanated from her.

The other two merely nodded not taking an eye off me. whether they were studying me or trying to discern what to think of me I don't know. 

At this point news of me spread all over Xyrus and even Sapin, and at some point I think I overheard grandma saying that news of me even spread to the other kingdoms.

News of a handsome young boy with purple and blue eyes coupled with white hair that had purple highlights was Director Cynthia's disciple became very problematic for me. These days I wouldn't be allowed to go out shopping with my family unless I wore a hood without the risk of getting swarmed by people.


"Yes!?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by grandma yelling at me with her sound magic. I covered my ears in pain as the after-effects slowly subsided.

"I was asking you if you have everything ready for the Interracial tournament in one week?" The director asked me. Both eyes her pierced my own as if a hawk peering down at me. 

I couldn't quite make out her expression but I could tell that It isn't any good.

"Yes" Was all I said in irritation.

It wasn't even two weeks ago that grandma came to me with news of an interracial tournament happening in a couple of weeks. 

She proposed to me that I should join and I gladly accepted. So for the next two weeks, grandma has been teaching me in noble and royal etiquettes because given how much media I'm getting it would be apparent that I would most likely have to, 'entertain' nobles and royals as grandma called it. Shaking my head.

I'm now at the initial silver stage and the stage where, as grandma called the stage where everything begins to change for me. Conjurers and augmenters are so adept in mana and fighting that just identifying their weaknesses could give you a hint as to what they are. 

Have you ever fought a flame augmenter that could conjure a descent-sized flame guardian? And here I thought Masters wind bullets were rare!

I waved my three sparring partners goodbye as our sparring session was over. Elder Hester gave me a cheery wave saying goodbye while the others just gave content smiles at me while nodding along with her, clearly satisfied with my abilities. 

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