Prologue Part 2

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"BANDITS! PREPARE TO ENGAGE!" Helen shouted, as a rumble of footsteps came from our right and rear.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" Instantly I feel a wave of wind forming a tornado around Mother, Angela, and I. What was she doing? Then the air that Angela had cast formed into a ball around us.

Angela was holding out her wand, concentrating on keeping the barrier active while arrows constantly bombarded the barrier, only to get redirected to a different direction.

My mama pulled me in close, trying to shield me using her body from whatever might get through. Thankfully, her efforts weren't necessary as the barrier held strong.

In a matter of seconds, the tarp covering the carriage was torn to shreds and I get a better view of the situation at hand.

I paled at the sight in front of me all around us were bad guys surrounding us. I clung to my mother's shirt for dear life. I was scared, no; terrified. Was I gonna die?

"Mommy I-I'm scared" I cried out to my mother as the two of us huddled together. She turned to me and gave me a big smile to try to ease my worries.

"We're going to be fine Art, your daddy and the others are strong" I guess there's no need to worry if mom said it's fine.

Jasmine, Durden, and my daddy seemed to be fine, with no visible injuries, but Helen had an arrow jutting from one of her legs.

A bald man with multiple scars on his face and a body of a bear carrying a giant axe spoke out. "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch boys. Leave only the girls and the kid alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less," he snorted with a smirk that revealed a nearly toothless mouth.

Damaged goods?

What does he mean by that? is there something in the carriage that they're after?

My father yelled out, "There are only 4 mages and none of them seem to be conjurers! The rest are normal warriors!"

I could quickly see my father's expression darken that sent shivers down my spine. He donned his gauntlets, shouting, "Safeguard Formation!"

Adam quickly arrived behind us as he faced the back of the road, spear pointed, while Jasmine and Helen came to our left with both of their weapons unsheathed, facing ahead. My father and Durden faced the mountainside, positioning themselves to protect us from the archers overhead. Meanwhile, Angela maintained her position, preparing another spell as she kept her wind barrier active.

"Gather and guard my allies O' benevolent Earth; do not let them be harmed!"

[Earth Wall]

The ground rumbled as a massive earthen wall came up from the ground curving up in front of Durden.

Using that moment, my father burst forward, raising his gauntlets in a guard position against the arrows towards the enemy archers.

Moments later, Angela finished her spell and unleashed a massive amount of wind blades, aimed at the front and back of the path.

"Warrior coming your way, Helen!" Adam shouted as he dodged the swing of a mace. His eyes widened as he dropped his weapon. I looked down to where his fingers were and I could see blood squirting out from him.

Mother was holding me firmly to her chest as she tried to shield my eyes from the scenes of gore happening around us.

Helen's eyes narrowed as she drew another arrow and continued to shoot arrows at our enemies.

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