Shared potential | chapter 3

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Arthur LeywinPov

Looking back, my parents called me a quadra elemental augmenter. They labeled me a genius for being able to manipulate all 4 elements. They couldn't believe it when on the day of the trip I had already hit the dark red stage. I guess that's impressive for my age.

They labeled me many things, prodigy, special, genius. I don't know why but hearing them call me those things brought me a lot of joy.

Days back at the cabin in Ashburn were always really joyous and fun, not a day goes by when my mom would scold my father for treating me roughly and my mother spoiling me when we're at the market.

Being with my mom and dad was a lot of fun and they would always try to make things interesting.

Would I still be able to smile like that?

laugh like that?

Dad. . .

Dad. . .

"DADDY!" I instantly woke up as I shouted startling the people around me. Looking down I saw a fresh set of clothes on me and bandages from where I was injured, But before I was able to process what was around me I was instantly tackled into a hug by my mother.

"Arthur, My baby boy thank goodness that you're fine! I was so worried!!!" My mother cried as tears were streaming down her cheeks.

I grabbed onto my mother's shirt and pulled her closer, crying along with her. I couldn't see what the others were doing but I could tell that they were keeping quiet so they can let us mourn the death of my father.


I didn't know how long were we crying for but when my mother let go of me it seemed like we had stopped for camp and everyone was out of the carriage either chilling or out hunting. After changing shirts due to it being damp because of my tears we stepped out of the carriage to have some dinner.

Helen, Durden, and Angela were sitting near the campsite soaking in the warmth of the fire.

I don't see Jasmine and Adam. I wonder where they went?

"Arthur it's good to see that you're ok. We were all worried for you." Helen called out; her tone wasn't loud nor a whisper, but a somber voice.

I smiled at her and the others before seating ourselves around the campfire. My mother was right beside me still not yet willing to leave my side.

We sat in a comfortable silence gazing at the flames dancing about. I wanted to bring up where my father's body is but how? I'm pretty sure his death is still fresh on everyone's mind and only asking for where his body is will make it hurt.

He really is dead huh?

My. . . father. . .

He really is dead.

I can't bring myself to ask for my father but still I just wanted to see his face one more time just once.

"whe-where's my father's body" I asked in a low whisper. My mother tensed up at the word 'body'.

There was an audible silence in the air, no one said a thing. I don't why though.

"He's in the other carriage. We wrapped him up, were planning to give him a proper burial over in Xyrus." Durden spoke up.

I gave him a nod and brought my attention back to the dancing flames in front of me. Looking at them they seemed to move on their own, sometimes creating images and storylines however they see fit. As if they're always connected somehow one way or another. looking closer I saw the same purple particles - back when we were about to be hit by the big ball of water - Hovering around the fire, encasing it but never combining with them.

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