Interstellar | Chapter 24

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Tessia Eralith POV

His left eye was no longer a mix of blue and purple but a void of darkness shrouding it. Stars of different colors twinkled about, and a gas-like cloud amassed inside of it. It looked like one of those interstellar clouds grandpa would always read to me about space. They complimented his now completely white hair.

On the side, a grey granite horn sprouted out from his head. It went out to the side then forward. It remained me of someone but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Gold runes painted his left arm from his palm up. They went up to his eye and connected to his horn.

Wait golden runes just like mine? A horn like Sylvia?

Wait. . . . Sylvia?!!!

That's where I remembered that horn from. It was just like Sylvia's, but different in the fact that it didn't curved downward.

Wait but why does he look like me? I have these runes because I have a dragon beast will. It doesn't look like he has a dragon beast will, so is he a dragon? No wait he's a human, he can't be a dragon.

Gathering my ground I stepped forward, to speak what was on my mind. I want to. No, I have to know, does he know who Sylvia is?

I looked into his eye, "Sylvia"

His face went from recognition to confusion, then to pain. He clutched his abdomen with his left hand. His eyes scrunched in pain.

I took another step forward, "D-do you know someone named Sylvia? Please tell me!"

My voice once again resounded throughout the entire arena. The crowd was silent throughout all of this. His eyes met mine. He opened his mouth. Then with a calm voice, he spoke.

"I know I have an aunt named Sylvia, she was my father's sister, but that's all. My mother refuses to speak more of her." His eyes fell downcast.

My core started to strain. My body became weaker and my core was draining out rapidly. I knew I needed to wrap this up later.

"Well okay. We'll talk later, but for now, it seems that we have a time limit on our abilities." His eyes widened in shock. He let out a slight chuckle that I found almost charming.

"Yes, I guess your right." He spoke once more.

Arthur LeywinPOV

She was right we both couldn't keep whatever this power I have just awoken up any longer. It was draining my core rapidly but at the same time healing my muscles.

The feeling of awakening this power of mine was monstrous. There was a mild rush, something tangible per se. Both knowledge and insight, then there was this feeling that was almost begging me to consume everything.

It was overwhelming, and I could barely handle it.

I performed a basic lightning spell to fire at her. The blazing red fire that I was so used to rapidly formed into a purple fire on command. Tendrils of lightning blasted amongst the arena.

I heard a cry in the far distance but I ignored it.

I let go of the lightning and let it go toward Tessia. She gritted her teeth and conjured a massive wall of frost fire. The two forces collided but the white fire was quickly overridden by my lightning. She disappeared just before the lightning got to her.

I heard, even more, cries in the distance but I continued to ignore them, I needed to keep my eyes on Tessia.

Now that I think about it that disappearing technique of hers is an aether art isn't it? I instinctively searched the mental library that appeared inside of me, for what she did and just as expected I found it.

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