Youthful Vigor | Chapter 28

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Third Person POV

"Quickly!" A small whisper rippled through the silence.

"It won't be long until they reach us" The head of the pact spoke as she crossed another alley that was blocked off

The small group of five have been on the run for several hours, they were heading to ShezClar, the safe haven for all those who seek certain freedom. Where the rebellion is rumored to be headquartered.

The youngest kept watch behind them while the others kept watch on the alleyways behind them, on the side, and up ahead. Everywhere, anywhere one of them could pop up from the shadows and grab a hold of them.

A sinister laugh was heard from down one of the alleys. Then another one, and another one. Shadows and black silhouettes could be seen hopping from building to building.

The young boy in the far back was tense. The aether in the atmosphere was fully prepared to heed his call at a moment's notice. His eyes darted from one building to another, tracking the shadows' movement.

"Ughh! They got my leg!" Screamed a girl in the middle.

One of the older ones quickly ran over, slung her over his shoulder, then continued running.

"Atricia, do you think can create a portal to get us to SchezClar at this point?" The male spoke. He had dark amythest hair and clockwork-like blue eyes.

"No, I don't think so, we need to find ourselves a place where we can rest for a brief couple minutes so that I can find the aetheric pathways to connect to the other Dominion." Atricia managed to breathe out through panted breaths.

She was a beautiful young girl with light magenta hair and light magenta eyes. She clutched a pendant given by her mother, shortly before she escaped with her friends, leaving behind her wounded guardian.

She lifted her hand and a glowing energy emerged from her palm. What could be seen as buildings slowly subsided and grew in size, each time new ones came up.

"We're nearing it! Just a couple more me-" She was cut off when a massive spike golem erupted from the ground right in front of her.

Right beside the male carrying the girl, were slimy acidic tentacles that quickly raced toward its' target. Behind them crashed a large man holding a great sword of pure soul fire. Several more landed on the roofs of the buildings around them.

"Dammit, we're surrounded!" One of the younger boys expressed his fury. He wore silver hair and black eyes, it was an intimidating look nonetheless.

Amethyst blades rippled into existence from the five of them. Reality seemed to bend to their will as each of them called on the aether around them. They formed a protective barrier around the little boy they have been escorting with them.

He had a look similar to the Vitra with jet-black hair and blood-red eyes. Horns seemed to sprout from his head. He was no older than 8.

The girl who was injured earlier had already healed and was standing firm.

"Dammit, we can't fight them!" The older male exclaimed.

This much was true none of them can fight a scythe much less these half-borns.

"Urghh! We're so close!" Atricia expressed her frustration.

The man behind them stepped forward, "Give up youngsters, just return with us to taegrimCaelum and no one has to die" His tone was soft and his hands are held in the air.

"Oh come on, Richmal they won't fall for something like this." A feminine voice rang from the roof.

"Valeska is right, let's injure them just enough so that we can bring them back with us." Another voice chimed in.

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