Runes | Chapter 7

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For anyone wondering why you saw an update, look at the very bottom of the chapters, I added a pilot chapter.

Cynthia GoodskyPOV

As I left Arthur and Professor Rainstar to themselves I was lost in thought as I walked to my office.

'No, I haven't it's my first time, but it feels so right in my hands.'

Those words, even though they were said by a 5 year old child sent shivers down my spine. He has never held a blade in his hand before but his movements give off the presence of a swordsman with decades of experience. 

Obviously, he still had imperfections in his form, being able to swing like that and learn how to use his body in such a way comes with not one, not a hundred or a couple hundred, but thousands of swings.

I don't want to think of Arthur, who is a bright child, has big dreams and noble ideals as a weapon against them.

The Vitra.

Perhaps it was my undying determination to protect this continent from them, or perhaps it was my undying heart to want to teach such a bright child who already lost his father at such an early age; that made me want to reach out to this child to help him. I don't know.

I remembered the conversation that old coot and I had shortly after I met Arthur.

'you met a child who is a quadra elemental? and he can control some weird particles?'

'Yes Virion I'm telling you he's talented and he's only four.'

'What? Four?'


'But what do you mean by purple particles'

'I don't know he said they work differently than the red, brown, blue, and green mana particles'

'Hmm interesting'

That geezer is definitely hiding something from me. I've known him for too long to know when he is hiding something.

Well whatever.

I opened the door to my office and looked through the contacts of my benefactors and those who I am close with. When I first devised a plan to train Arthur, I made it into a 6-year time span. I planned it so when Arthur turned five I would have him learn a weapon of his choosing. He chose the sword so I plan on talking to someone who I am very close with and having him train Arthur.

Kaspian Bladeheart.

The younger brother of the bladeheart family head and the adventurer's guild leader. He is one of the best swordsmen in Sapin and I believe that he will be able to teach Arthur adequate swordsmanship.

Whatever is the case young Arthur must get stronger, not for me but for the sake of the continent.

Arthur LeywinPOV

"Ok I think that is enough for today. You did well Arthur I barely needed to point out things you needed to improve on. Not only that but you absorbed whatever I told you well. You truly are one of a kind." Mr. Rainstar said as he sheathe his sword.

It's been a two hour session today, a short one but one that I learn a lot. According to what Mr. Rainstar said my form was really good and he rarely had to point things out, because of this all we did today was mostly spars.

"Thank you, Professor. Rainstar for the training, I learned a lot today."

I walked out of the training room and walked back to the director's office to inform her of our training. Looking outside the sun was at its peak showing that's only midday. I kept walking until I reached her door. I knocked on it twice.

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