Quarrels | Chapter 19

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Arthur LeywinPOV

Once the commissioner left we were all left to our own devices for the time being until the next first battle of the next round begins. 

Everyone seemed to go back to what they were doing earlier. I looked over at princess Tessia to realize she was staring at me. I smiled at her, 'perhaps she has taken a liking to me' I thought hopefully, but that wasn't the case as the next second she starts to glare at me.

I turned my attention back to the bar, drinking the tea that grandma and I liked. 

I looked over to the faint but noticeable scars on both my arms. It seems that all my wounds are pretty much cleared up. 

Over years I had confined my aether abilities to my family members, I felt that I could trust them. I'm not at the level I'm at to say that I'm proficient at all my runes but I would say that I've gotten good enough. My mother has been helping me with the vivum rune on my back, she was amazingly proficient at healing and there was a time I was convinced that she could use aether as well but when I asked her but she waved it off without even answering my question.

The battle on the other hand was intense and I could still feel the adrenaline pumping through me even after I won. Surprisingly those guys pushed me harder than I thought but fortunately, I was able to heal myself enough fast enough.

I've made incredible progress in my magic being at dark silver and a deviant in all three of my elements. 

My swordsmanship was nothing to scoff at either, at five in a half I was able to swing my sword like I'd done it for years or that's what grandma said anyways. And at age 7 I was able to surpass an AA class adventurer in swordsmanship, at 8 I was able to defeat a low publicized S rank adventure using both my sword and magic. 

I've gone far and surely there's no one who can rival an S-rank, are there?

Those were the answers running through my mind and many more until a blond with pointy elven ears come walking towards me with an arrogant smug on his face.

A/N(Here comes the indirect Lucas slander)

"Well if it isn't the famed commoner Arthur Leywin, It's such an honor to meet your" My brow twitched at the word commoner. Damn he had to point that out, huh. 

This isn't really surprising, as I've had many encounters with nobles in Xyrus and many of them weren't very nice to me. This was one of the reasons I elected to not go out in public because people would either look down on me or envy me because of my talent.

"You must Lucas Wykes, what do you want?" I asked him flatly. I could see a vein pop in his head.

"Oh, nothing I just want to meet you as I've heard a ton of amazing things about you, and seeing you out in the field only proved those rumors to be true." He tried his best to hold that arrogant smile of his. 

I turned my head back to the barista, "Nice to meet you, now leave. I have no intention of getting to know you." I spoke, my voice came out indifferently. 

I didn't want to entertain him, I dislike nobles and royals like him, well the ones other than grandma, master, and the other people who spar with me often.

He clenched his teeth and I could feel mana leak from him, "Don't get too cocky, you think that just because you got six eliminations, means that you are better than me. Remember Nobles are forever stronger than commoner trash like you!" His voice roared and everyone turned their heads to me and Lucas. 

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