A greedy Man's Resolve | Chapter 12

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Blaine GlayderPOV

I strode through seemingly endless halls of my castle here in Xyrus. My eyes wandered the gold and marble accents of the halls, the way they complemented the red dyed carpet that was laid out here on the ground, never cleaned or replaced in over a thousand years. 

These past few months were hectic; with the Elves finally giving up their damn grudge and finally unifying the continent, and the boy. That boy that everyone had been talking about.

Supposedly he's a quadra elemental with 3 deviances and a natural at the sword, and to top it all off he's only 8! He's a mage!


I slammed the wall with my fist in frustration. Frustration at my lack of talent. Frustration that some COMMONER has more potential than I do!

My eyes gleamed with fury, facing the ground. I clenched my teeth at the tough of some commoner 8 year old having far more talent than I do.

I released the tension that was on my body and took my hand off the wall. I started walking to my office as I needed to finish up the preparations for the interracial tournament in a couple of days.

First that boy then the elf princess. Supposedly she's a tri-elemental. The information required for a person to enter is for them to enter their name, age, core level, and what elemental properties they have. I was told she was phenomenally talented for her age.

I slammed the door closed to my office in rage. First this boy then the girl. She may very be one of the most talented mages in Dicathen when she matures as a mage, but surely she can't reach the level of a white core mage; can she? 

The artifacts that gave a mage the power to ascend to the white core stage allowed the current royal families to succeed to power and if they tried anything funny the royal families had the power to forcefully command them. They were forces of power in this continent and the only recorded white mages in Dicathen's history. Surely that boy and the elf princess won't be able to reach that level. 

If the princess were to be able to ascend to the level of a white core mage then those damn elves could have the power to topple us and take rule. I need to plan ahead in case something like that happeneds.

Someone powerful. 

I thought for a couple of seconds until the most obvious thing came to mind. Like a damn breaking and relief washing through.

The boy!

Arthur Leywin. . .

I need to get him on my side. Though things are already working in my favor given that he's a human and Cynthia's disciple. So of course it would be a given that he would have loyalty to me. But I need something to ascertain his loyalty to make sure he won't just fall for in the elves' hands. I could give him my daughter. Yes, that's it, my daughter will do the trick.

It pains me to use my own daughter like this, but she's a necessary sacrifice if I want to stay in power.

A/N(Dammmmnnn no shame. He says it like it is.)

I pulled out a two-way scroll from my dimension ring and spoke 'Dawsid Greysunder'. The image of a short man with brown hair that complemented his black eyes showed up on the screen. He wore jewelry from head to two signifying the undeniable wealth he inherited from birth.

"Blaine? To what do I owe the pleasure?" The elderly man spoke gruffly, his tone made him out to be annoyed or irritated to be interrupted. His eyes gleamed with uncertainty and his frown that complimented his wrinkled expressions only ascertained that truth.

"Are the preparations for the Interracial tournament done on your part?" I asked studying his change in expressions.

Dawsid's expression changed from confusion to something different, then to a smile that I knew had a deeper meaning, "Yes, they are". He spoke simply, smiling so brightly that I could see his whitened teeth that had gold jewelry on a couple of them.

"Good, anyways have you heard about the latest news regarding the interracial tournament?" I asked the obvious question. I knew he heard of the boy and the Elven princess but I wanted to know what he intends to do with it.

"If you are talking about the boy and the Elven Princess joining the tournament then yes I have heard of it." He replied, his eyes remained unchanging throughout the entire conversation.

"I don't know what to say, such a large amount of talent and it's being tainted by peasant blood, what a pity." He spat. For the first time since the conversation started his eyes shifted from a mild impassiveness to a fierce indignancy. He ground his teeth so hard that I was almost certain that they might fall out. Almost.

"Yes, I agree if only we could have that talent for ourselves." I replied. His eyes then shifted to an amused yet very cynical expression at my selfish remark for absolute power.

"Yes. . . and the little elf princess she may very well become a threat to us in the future as well. If only we could get rid of her and the boy at the same time, or use that boy." His change in tone caught my attention. It was habitual, it gave off a feeling that he was planning something, but I couldn't care less, I was too busy drowning in resentment.

"Yes! I completely agree with you Dawsid and we may possibly be able to get rid of the Eraliths while we're at it! Elenior and the elves will be ours for the taking!" I spat as I jolted out of my seat in realization. The realization that I could get rid of that boy and finally fulfill my father's endless ambition for imperialism.

"Yes! Yes, this is great I'm glad I could get you on my side, Blaine. Now listen here I have a plan." Dawsid said, his eyes so bright I swear it might've been made out of fire. I leaned in fully attentive not missing a single moment. 

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