Warring premonitions | Chapter 26

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Arthur LeywinPOV

1 year later

"Arthur snarler on the left! Tessia shift positions with me! On my signal, got it!" Alea's authoritative voice echoed in the chamber.

Tessia who had just finished up dealing with a 3-on-1 situation, wiped her forehead that was filled with sweat. She looked back at Alea with a nod.

I sidestepped the snarler on my left, puncturing it's stomach with my blade. At the same time lowering myself to dodge the claws of a second one aimed toward my nape. I swung my sword in a downward arc, severing its head off.

Two more came onto me, 4 more behind them, 7 more to their sides and so many more to the end.

I clutched the hilt of my blade till veins became visible. For a second I had considered it, contemplated if it I should use it or not, magic.

Riza had told me to use this time as an adventurer to build real-life experience and take everything I learned since I was 5 and incorporated it into now. Building swordsmanship experience in lower-rank dungeons and magic and swordsmanship experience in the higher-rank dungeons.

This was by our standards; a lower-rank dungeon, so I chose to focus on learning how to better use my blade instead of magic or both. Of course, Alea and Tessia are aware of what I'm doing and supported me in my decision.

"Tessia switch now!" My hesitation was placed elsewhere as Alea's voice boomed throughout the cave.

In mere seconds the two swapped positions and Tessia was already preparing a longer-range spell to use. After a year of adventuring and training with the lances, Tessia had grown to the dark yellow stage and had the mana reserves to back more powerful spells.

Already knowing what Alea had in mind I kept my mind on the 6 in front of me.

I severed a head from the first snarler. The second one came sprinting toward me at blinding speeds -well blinding speeds for a human that is- I stabbed my blade -gifted to me by uncle Vincent as my personal one is currently in the making, courtesy of my mother- toward the snarler's head, splitting dull open.

The other four hesitated, then continued to charge at me. I killed the first one fairly easily, the second one was more or less the same, and the last two seemed to be smarter and. . . more difficult to kill.

Finally after what felt like an eternity Tessia's voice roared amongst the cavern.

"Ivy Prison!"

A sudden pressure bored down on the beast in the cavern, as Tessia's spell began to take shape. From where she was standing all the way to about 15 feet away from us, vines began interlocking and confining the beasts in an ivy prison.

At the last of the spell, Tessia collapsed to the ground panting. She was a dark yellow stage mage and that spell is typically used by silver core mages, so it was understandable why she was as drained as she is.

Alea finished up with the last snarler, shooting a concerned glance at her exhausted princess, then at me.

"Arthur! Fire spell, now!" Her commanding tone, laced with concern for her princess and care for me; intertwined with the urgency of the situation after seeing snarlers threatening to break out of their confines.

Feeling the mana flow out from my core and coalesce in the palm of my hand, I searched my mind for the right spell to use. Finally finding the right one, I extended my arm out, as if reaching for the beasts.


In seconds a burst of fire mana in the form of a massive blast of heat escaped from the palm of my hand. Like scorching heat waves, the blazing red fire quickly consumed each and every one of the mana beasts in Tessia's confines leaving nothing but dust, skeletons, and burnt caucuses.

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