Going Well | Chapter 8

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1 years later

"Yaaawwwwwnnnn" Waking up I got out of my and went straight to my wardrobe to put on my training dobok. For the past 2 years, grandpa has been helping me train my powers. He told me since I'm trying to assimilate with my beast will I shouldn't be purifying my core or practice training my magic.

Instead the entire time he has been teaching me how to use the sword. He's an amazing teacher of course not as good as grandma Sylvia but still really good. Apart from training in the sword, I've also been training my body as well. 

I haven't really gone out of the castle much at all, of course, the main reason is that I've got no friends, but also because I've been training a lot lately. 

Grandpa has also introduced me to Aya and Alea, they're supposed to be elenoir's strongest mages, and it's true when we first sparred I nearly instantly lost. However, over time that massive skill gap slowly decreased as I've gotten better; in case your wondering my best time with aya was 15 seconds and Alea was 25.

When I finished cleaning up I went downstairs to the courtyard where grandpa and I train. He said today is supposed to be a special day because today I'll finally be able to assimilate with my beast will.  Apparently, it was supposed to take a lot longer, especially for a beast will of that caliber, but since it was because of my draconic body the process was sped up.

"Hi Grandpa I'm here!" I waved at him as I got into the courtyard.

"Hello, little one slept well?"

"yes grandpa I did"

"Are you excited for today Tessia?" Grandpa asked

I nodded, "I can't wait to see what grandma Sylvia's gifts have in wait for me"

I sat down in the middle of the courtyard and waited for grandpa to insert his mana inside of me. He placed his hand on my back just about where the sternum is. I immediately felt my back grow hot as his mana flowed into me.

"Tessia this will cause an explosion so brace yourself" Grandpa said behind me.

"Ok, I will. . .WAIT AN EXPLOS. . .!" Before I could finish my sentence Grandpa was blown back and slammed directly into a tree from behind me.

"Ahhhh!" I immediately fell unconscious from the strain inside my core. I didn't know what happened after that, but before I closed my eyes all I could catch was my father and mother running to where me at full speed.


Waking up I was met with grandpa napping on the side of my bed with his arms crossed. It looked like I fell unconscious from the explosion that I somehow caused. Moving my arms and legs I was able to tell that I was gladly not injured, but still physically drained of strength.

I groaned at the physical pain when I moved my limbs and sat up. Grandpa's both eyes shot wide open hearing me wake up, "Tessia, your awake!".

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"Not long only for 6 hours, your parents came by to see if you're alright and after letting them know they went back to their work."

"I see", Was all I said.

We stood there in silence for a couple of moments until realization hit me, "wait does that mean that I finally assimilated with my beast will!?" I asked grandpa.

"Yes it is little one, you're officially a beast tamer. I'm so proud of you." I giggled at his praise.

"Now rest up, tomorrow's training will be much different than it was for the past 2 years." Grandpa said as he got up and walked to the door of my room.

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