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It was quiet in the dawn of the night. It was raining. Pouring. A dreary atmosphere loomed over the people present.

Many had come to hear of the prophecy of the oldest djinn still alive. She had foretold many prophecies in her time alive and every one of them has been true. At least 50 were present to hear the old woman's prophecy and what she has to say. Both old and young. Men and female.

Sitting on a single chair overlooking a balcony of the dozens who came, she held an amethyst globe. Capable of telling the definite and absolute future. To her right was a woman with purple hair and black eyes standing next to her. On her left was a man, with white hair and purple eyes.

They stood ramrod in attention in case the old woman needs assistance. The crowd was loud and talking fraternizing among themselves about what the prophecy could entail.

A means to overthrow the Asura's reign?

Hope for a better future?

Or all of that and more?

With a single wave of her hand, the crowd immediately fell dead silent. Everyone looked at her with anticipation. She waved her hands in complicated gestures over the globe. Her eyes faded into a colorful swirl of purple, blue, red, and yellow.

Her eyes scrunched. But never wavered its vibrant gradient. The tip of her mouth twitched ever so slightly. Then more. Even more. Then some more. Her wrinkles overlapped each other as time went on.

Her face continued to contort into pain and concentration as the ancient diviner perused the prophecy that has entangled itself within the globe. Then her facial muscles relaxed. Her Mouth returned to normal. Her eyes receded to a more normal state. Her eyes remained the same vibrant otherworldly glow.

Then her mouth opened, "There is a boy in the far future. A boy born with the blood of our enemies and the blood of our own kin." Her voice was old but unwavering. 

The crowds' faces switched from anticipation to that pure terror. "His presence will bring great change to this world, whether good or bad, that I do not know." The woman finished her prophecy and looked at the awestruck crowd.

Everyone looked at each other and began to draw conclusions on what this might mean for the fate of the djinn race and the entire world as a whole. Their words began as quiet whispers but grew in volume the more they talked.

"This can't be!

"A boy with the blood of a dragon and the blood of a djinn? This is unprecedented!"

"What sort of powers would he hold?"

"Are doomed?!"

"ENOUGH!!!" A loud commanding voice rang out through the crowds. It shook the inner walls of their refuge.

Standing on the podium right beside the ancient diviner was a man no older than 40. He wore a lengthy space black robe that went down to his knees. Adorned on it were intricate purple runes all throughout it.

He held up his arm before continuing, "Making conclusions on what you hear from lady Valera's prophecy is beneath us!" His authoritative voice boomed throughout the venue. "Whether or not this boy is a threat to us or any of the other races for that matter, shouldn't be any of our concern. Our goal has always remained the same and some boy with a messed up ancestry will not and should not waver our resolve and cloud our decisions." He finished his speech. He earned a round of affirmative nods in the crowd as they took in his words. 

All four of them turned around and went inside the diviner's house to discuss the prophecy. Leaving the confused crowd to their own devices.

Once inside the youngest closet the door behind them. They sat on a round table encircling a vibrant amethyst flame in the middle. Once all of them took their seats the woman assistant began, "madam you don't think this could be thier child?" Her voice was low and uncertain. The man beside her, the male assistant spoke up next, "Most likely yes, and if so we may not have anything to fear." All four of them nodded at his words.

Then the oldest male spoke up, "They are in dicathen, we have ways to contact them. And if anything were going to need to let them know if this really could be their child. Because if so, he'll change the very power dynamic of this world as we know it." All three of them seemed in deep thought.

Lastly, the old woman spoke up, "It most certainly is those two, I cannot think of anyone else who would fall in love with our enemies much less get married and have a family." Her voice was old but full of disdain.

"Agreed no one here condoned that woman for her marriage with that man even if he did not take part in our races' massacre so many years ago." The third man spoke, his tone was neutral.

"He helped our race escape the massacre during that time and even killed his own kin for the last of us to survive. There should be no reason we should doubt that man, more or less her." They nodded

The old diviner seemed in deep thought and haven't listened in on the conversation for a good while. Everyone seemed to notice this as well and elected to speak up.

"Lady Valera, is something the matter?" The old woman waved her hands to dismiss their worries.

"No nothing is the matter dear. However, when reading the prophecy I also found someone else in it. I didn't say anything then because I know it will cause an uproar." She replied, with a pondering expression.

"Who is it then?" The stoic man from her left spoke up eager to know what fate those two would hold together.

She looked up to the group meeting each of their gazes before speaking, "Her fate is largely unknown, just as much as her allegiance. She will play a massive part in this world's fate but not as much as the boy. Both will hold immense unyielding strength that rivals the gods." Everyone in the room other than grew shocked faces when they heard her words.

"I see" Was all they said. In truth this was all they could do, there was not much anyone could do to at this point.

The old woman spoke up once again this time with confidence,

"However I do know this, those two will have to make a choice in the far future, and one that will undoubtedly spell doom for all of us if choose the wrong one."

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