Progress | Chapter 6

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Arthur LeywinPOV

1 year later

Darkness. . .

Complete darkness.

As if swimming in a pool of the abyss, constantly surrounded by a complete space.

Complete was the right word to describe it. As if it was forged from nothingness but brought about from everywhere. Describing it would be like drawing a blank. Like drawing all the colors of the mana particles into one, white would be formed. Forming pure mana. If everything and anything amalgamated into one, this would be it.

It felt. . . tangible. As if I could grab it and do something with it, on the contrary, it felt as if this was a space forged for a purpose, diverged from none.

I tried moving my legs, but they were unmoving.

Then my arms, the same result.

Then I tried other body parts apart from my limbs but got no response.

Willing mana into my legs I tried with all the might my body could muster to at least move an inch. . . but got nothing.

After a couple of minutes of trying different things nothing occurred.

'It's weird I don't feel fear from being inside here.'

I get this feeling that it's meant to be tamed by me. That I'm the sole master of this domain.

Whisper, whisper, whisper

I immediately snapped my head to behind me from where the voice came from but no one was there. It was telling me something but due to my shock, I either didn't hear it or I completely forgot about it.

Whisper, Whisper, whisper

This time I heard what the voice said clearly. It was but a soft voice. A female out of the familiarity. She told me this was a test and that I'll know the reason for it if I complete it. 

It's just like back then when I first found out about the mana particles and the purple motes; this felt. . . natural to me. Too natural. Understanding the nature of this mysterious power that is.

Immediately I focused my eyesight on the surrounding area and found thousands of purple particles floating about. As if reaching for the end of this seemingly vast yet, infinite space. 

My instincts told me to move the particles and I did. As the particles moved the space around me warped but it wasn't enough.

This was a test. It wouldn't be so easy as to influence them like their mana particles, and I knew that.

What I needed to know was how the purple particles created this space. Remembering what I did earlier when I moved the particles around and the space around me warped; I tried that same motion again but really studied their habits.

I did it again and this time I noticed something. Something I didn't notice before. When the particles bumped into each other the space around them warped, which is the exact opposite for the ones who didn't bump into one another.

I wonder...

What if I create an opening; a door of some sort?

Knowing what I had to do, I envisioned a door in my mind and focused it on the particles right in front of me. As creating space for me to pass through. I made sure that they bumped into one another to warp the space around me. 

It took a while but after a minute rather than the space around me warping, the darkness that enveloped me earlier quickly diminished, like a curtain of black fading away.

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