The Rumored Prodigy | Chapter 10

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Tessia Eralith POV

"Oof!" I was blown back by a strong strong gust of wind that Alea had conjured. 

I managed to land on my two legs but not before letting go of my sword in the process essentially losing the duel.

"That was very good Princess Tessia, you certainly gotten a lot better from where you were 2 years ago. The only thing constructive criticism I have this time is to understand what spells you should use in what scenarios." Alea said to me from where she stood before she sent me flying.

 She wore a warm smile on her face that easily complemented her amiable personality.

It's been a year in a half since I assimilated with my beast will and Sylvie hatched. So much has happened since then that I honestly don't know where to start.

"Ugh! How long was it this time?"

"1 minute and 15 seconds this time. You've clearly improved." Grandpa answered for Alea who was watching from the sidelines.

"I see" Was all I could say. 

I wasn't glad or displeased with my progress. In all honesty, I'm doing really well against the kingdom's top mages. I unlocked the second phase of my beast will about 2 months ago and my progress is steady but I haven't lasted long enough for me to use it in battle just.

Over the year I made some interesting developments as a mage. Apparently, I'm a tri elemental mage and a deviant in the water and lightning. 

Grandpa theorized that it's because of my draconic half since there are half-blooded elves out there who can use fire when the other half is only human. 

Along with this development, grandpa had me experiment with all my elements to see if any of them has the potential to become deviants. This development led to me being able to use ice magic which is only reserved for humans. Through all this relentless experimenting and usage of mana, I've been able to hit the mid-orange stage.

"I think that is all for today little one; tonight I have a bit of a surprise for you that I want you to try and think about got it?" Grandpa broke me out of my thoughts from where he was standing.

"More like proposition so to speak. Elder, I don't think this is a good idea." Big sis Alea spoke from beside him. I looked at her questionably. What does she mean that it's not a good idea?

Just as I was about to ask grandpa spoke, "No it's fine her parents and I talked about it for some time and we agreed that she might want to do."

Now I'm hooked, at first I was intrigued but now I'm hooked on whatever they're talking about, "What are you two talking about?" I asked them.

They both looked at me and back at each other before sighing and grandpa answering, "Little one in a few days there will be an interracial tournament held between all three races. The age ranges from just awakened to teens. Its purpose is to open up a path for all races to eventually unify. Normally this event wouldn't be all that important compared to all the other events that are planned, but there are rumors going around Xyrus about a prodigal human boy that awakened as a mage, and both the human and Dwarven kings are interested in him so they want to see just what this boy is made of." he paused

Ok, I get the idea, but I still don't know what that has to do with me.

"This is where you play a part tessia, I'm asking you if you want to join the interracial tournament and battle against all the kids in your age group. Though I doubt you'll have much trouble winning unless that human prodigy we've all been hearing so much about is truly one for the ages."

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