A Goddess | Chapter 14

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Arthur LeywinPOV

"Do you have everything you need sweetie?" My mother asked me while tidying me up for the big event today.

"Yes, mom I have the sword that was granted to me by the event commissioners and my uniform to wear to the tournament, as well as everything else I need for today. So please stop worrying for me, ok?" I tried to reassure her as she nodded at me while ruffling my hair.

I turned to everyone else present who all wanted to say goodbye to me. Uncle Vincent and Aunt Tabitha were right behind my mother with Lilia right beside them. My little sister Ellie was next to me hugging my leg. she was as tall as my shoulder blades are and was hugging my torso.

"Take care Arthur We'll be rooting for you on the stand, so hope you see us." Auntie said to me. "Yea we'll be there in about an hour more so don't worry about us and make sure you snag that first place, got it?" Uncle said while giving me a warm smile.

Lilia and Ellie didn't say anything but I knew that meant well, "Yea, I guess I'll be going now; oh! and I almost forgot I was supposed to meet with the current Kings and queens of this continent today with Director Goodsky before I go off and see the rest of my group." I stopped in my tracks in realization as I was heading toward my patient carriage.

"Yes, and make sure you remember to mind your words around them, okay sweetie!" My mom yelled at me from where they were standing before.

"I will mom!"

A/N(Yea right we all know how that turned out. LOL)

I hopped in my carriage and told the driver to take me to the Xyrus Arena. The ride there was quiet and calming, during that time I worked on my core as meditation, I'm nearing to breaking into the dark silver stage. 

I was broken out of my intense focus when I heard crowds cheering. They were so loud I could feel my eardrums about to rip open. My voice was inaudible as the explosive cheers swallowed them up very quickly.

This type of attention was nothing I have ever experienced before. I've been told beforehand that I've become very famous since training with Director Goodsky and that these cheers are sort of like a precursor to the attention I'll be getting down the road. I didn't think too much of it when she told me, but now I can't help but feel anxious. 

I'm nervous but excited at the same time. Apparently, the elven princess will be competing as well and is very talented; I've been told that she's the first tri-elemental on the continent and that she may be the most difficult opponent I'll be facing in the tournament. This didn't scare me though, if anything it only made me excited for the future.

We suddenly came to a halt effectively pushing me to the plush fabric of the carriage. I didn't hear the driver's voice but I knew that any kind of audible interaction would be meaningless among these cheers. 

I looked out the window with both my hand supporting the weight of my body to see what was going on. What I saw in front of me suddenly drowned out all the thoughts I was having in my head before we stopped and the only thing in my mind left of it all was 'Wow'! 

Standing all around me was a crowd of easily over a thousand all cheering and chanting. 

Women and men regardless of age all stood among each other with posters or treats in their hands while cheering for the competitor. Their eyes went wide when their gazes met mine; the crowd at a jaw-dropping speed instantaneously exploded in cheers at a volume that made my head dizzy and nauseous.

But what caught my eye most of all was the what was the extravagant building standing just several meters away from me. The entrance had pearl marble and gold accents all around it. Runes were engraved all around it making it look more majestic than it should be. The building stood easily several kilometers high and looked to be able to hold several thousand people.

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