Burdens and Realmheart | Chapter 23

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After finishing my match with Arthur and unfortunately losing I made my way to where his mother and sister are located along with the members of my extended family.

The way there was long and quiet. I've been told the location of where the losers are located but I didn't want to go there just yet, I want to see how the others have been after not seeing them for so long.

Along the way, I lost myself in thought remembering my fight with Arthur and just how much of a monster he truly is.

Although I've been considered a prodigy for nearly my entire life by my kinsmen, the Indrath blood surely does run through his veins.

When the news about a child born between a djinn and a dragon, we all speculated what fate a boy like him may have.

A mage with the strength to influence aether and the body of a dragon, albeit weaker; was bound to cause quite a stir among both the asuras and the djinn.

But that's just on paper, the body of a djinn is far more robust than any regular human, elf, or dwarf. The raw strength he alone possesses would far surpass those damn Vitra-born born wraiths, something no djinn would be able to accomplish. Even if we have mana cores now, our raw strength pales in comparison to that of an asura.

I finished up my inner monologue when I reached the door that said 'Helstia reservation'. I was about to knock on it when the door suddenly opened revealing a fairly looking woman with black hair, and brown eyes, and a man with brown hair and black eyes. Behind them looked like a younger version of the two whom I assumed to be their daughter, and an even younger one with ash brown hair and brown eyes.

"Oh! you must be Riza, Alice's niece. We were just going to leave to give you guys a bit of privacy." The woman spoke. Her tone was kind and I can tell that she is well-liked.

"Mmm thank you."

They left and I walked into the room, closing the door behind me. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by aunt Alice who was sitting by one of the couches overlooking the stadium.

"Oh, Riza it's so good to see you after so long! How have you been doing? Is your father doing okay?" She asked me.

I surveyed the room. Uncle Adam was sitting by the bar with a smile on his face. By Aunt Alice were my 3rd aunts Angela and Helen they waved at me with warm smiles on their faces. On the other side was a tall-looking man that I instantly recognized as my father's childhood friend Durden. Then the one to the right of him was someone I didn't quite recognize at all.

"Oh, this one here is Jasmine she's a human, she already knows what we are so there's nothing to hide," Durden spoke up realizing my confusion. She waved at me, the edge of her mouth curved up a bit revealing a smile.

I nodded at her, then walked over to where my aunts are sitting. They were waiting for my reply the entire time.

"*sigh* Yes my father is doing fine, just being holed up with everything that's going on. And talks with scythe Seris have been going well. Were expecting about 10,000 Alacryans mages joining in the next year." I paused

It was true, over the years our people, the djinn has been in talks with a Scythe named Seris who holds a grudge against Agrona. When we told her we can help her overthrow Agrona she almost immediately took the offer, but not without mentioning the prophecy to her.

In just a couple of years, the rebellion against Alacrya has grown to almost 10,000 militia strong. We combined the 10,000 Alacryans with our growing 300 Djinn population to make a sort of rebellion that has been growing in numbers recently and is now getting enough attention that the asura are now getting notice of this.

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