Understanding and Evolving | Chapter 9

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Arthur Leywin POV

1 year later


"up Arthur!"


Before this terrifying woman got another hit on me I did her before she landed a punch on my jewels. opening my eyelids I was met with none other than Lilia giving me an innocent smile, completely oblivious to what she had done.

"Urgh! Could you at least find a better way at waking me up Lilia" I groaned at her.

"You're telling me? Do you know how difficult it is to wake a person like you up? Your mother sent me and Ellie to come and wake you up since you slept overtime and it took Ellie and I everything to wake you up!"

I scratched my cheek sheepishly. Then realization hit me, 'I'm late'.

Immediately I got up and put on my clothes on. Looking at the clock I didn't have much time left. Since it's a Thursday I'll be training with Kaspian today. 

Over the past 2 years, my training has gotten exponentially more difficult than it was before. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I'll be training with Director Goodsky in mana and trying to exercise my insight in aether; on Tuesday's and Thursday's I'll be training with Kaspian Bladeheart one of the best swordsmen in Sapin. 

In the first year, we just went with training and occasional spars, however as time went on and as he realized that I got talent with the sword he decided that It was time to take it up a notch, so for the past year not only have I been training with him in the sword but he had me spar against many others to gain more experience. 

From spear users, to conjurers, to even a whip users; he also had me spar against just regular swordsmen, either the Bladehearts or other renown swordsman families or individuals.

Through all these connections and exposure to big people in Xyrus, rumors have begun to spread about me. Not only my name is spreading rapidly in Xyrus but news about me being not only the sole disciple of Cynthia Goodsky but the disciple of Kaspian Bladeheart. 

Master Kaspian had asked me if I wanted him to get rid of these rumors but I just waved him off saying that it's fine, that I don't mind all the attention.

Tomorrow is going to be really fun as those days are the days in which I can spar against people both using the sword and magic. 

The director has asked me not to use the aether in front of all those people because she feels that all this attention will be too much for me, to which my mother was grateful that she took that in consideration.

Taking one last look at myself in the mirror I smiled in satisfaction. Perfection!

Over the last 2 years, I became a mid yellow core mage. The director and Master were both extremely shocked at my progress. 

Normally it should take people until their mid 30's to be able to approach that stage, but I was able to approach it at the age of 8. The director theorized that it might be because of my ability to use aether and that it might have an even more unique relation to mana than we had thought possible.

Along with my progress to my core, my hair started to become white and some strands became purple even. My eyes on the other hand had a hint of purple to it, they shine brightly in light and truly look amazing. 

My mom and the helstia's all said that my new look made me look more of a lady killer than before to which Lilia blushed at this; though I have no idea why. Grandma didn't know the cause behind the phenomenon of my hair but believed that it was harmless.

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