Spoken Enmity | Chapter 25

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Arthur LeywinPOV

I woke up to the sounds of chattering nearby my bed. They were talking about something, but it seemed that something was placed to muffle their voices from me so that I can't hear what they were saying.

I sat up with both my hands on my bed. Looking around I was met with the all too familiar scenery of my bedroom in the Helstia mansion. It was night and dark outside indicating that time has already passed and the interracial tournament has already concluded.

From the left of me, I was met with my mother, the twin horns, and. . . Riza and Kizan? I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but sure enough my opponent Riza is here in my bedroom along with her brother.

She looked in my direction and her face lit up in shock. The rest turned to me after realizing Riza's change in demeanor. All their faces turned to relief upon seeing me awake.

My mother waved her hand and the wind barrier that was put up instantly dissipated. She walked to me and sat down on my bed beside me.

"Oh good, sweetie you're awake!" She breathed a brief sigh of relief.

I scratched my head, "Y-yea, I'm okay. "

I stopped to look at her.

"U-um how long was I asleep?" I asked her.

She looked down in thought for a moment, "for about 8 hours, the interracial tournament has already concluded and the final standings haven't been discussed yet."

"I see" Was all I said.

There were so many questions brewing in my head right now. Too many that I want to be answered, but not sure which one to bring up first. Realizing my gaze was directed at Riza and Kizan, my mother spoke up.

"Oh, you're probably wondering why those two are here, correct?" I nodded.

"Well, they're actually your cousins." My mother answered.

It took a second to process what she just said, "wait. . . cousins! What do you mean by that mom?!" They all chuckled amidst my confusion. I didn't react to it as I was still processing what she meant by cousins.

"Haha, yes Art they are your cousins. They are the kids of my younger brother. Meet Riza and KizanEushgard."

A smile crept across my face. I guess we're related, huh?

"Hi, I guess it's finally nice to meet you Kizan. I already met Riza." I spoke.

"Likewise, you were amazing out there! Just need to understand how to control your power better." My smile faded, at his final words.

"Power? You guys know what happened to me?" They all turned to each other. Concern etched across their faces. Finally, my mother spoke up.

"Yes Art, we know. That power you awakened is called Realmheart. Albeit yours is far more powerful than anyone else's."

Realmheart? Wait, how does my mother know of this? Is this some kind of secret that our family has?

She continued, "I'll teach you how to handle Realmheart later, and the true power it holds, but first I guess you have a lot of questions about how we know any of this, correct?" I nodded.

"But Tessia had something similar. Is she related to me, or is it something completely different?" My mother looked down in thought for a second. She held her hand to her chin and exuded a thinking expression.

Looking back she met my eye. She studied me for a second before coming to a conclusion. I don't think I have ever seen this side of her before.

"Arthur what I'm about to tell you should remain in the family and only those in this room. Understand?" I nodded, eagerly to know more about the lineage I hold.

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