Unrivaled and Unmatched | Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

At Arthur's words, two of Arthur's opponents rushed to him fully augmenting their bodies. It was an elf and a dwarf both at the mid-red stage; the elf had a single affinity in water and the dwarf, metal.

The dwarf was the first to connect with Arthur. He swings his battle Axe in a vertical swoop. Arthur parries it with his double-edged sword. Behind him was the Elf from earlier, he struck Arthur with his spear but was grabbed by Arthur's right hand, 'now remember what Master said' Arthur to recited himself.

He backstepped to the left while going in a downward swoop with a sweep of his leg to trip the elf. With all the mana augmented in his foot, Arthur pushed the elf to the ground, at the same time preparing a fireball for the dwarf. However, Arthur noticed something rushing behind him and he noticed the human rushing after him with a wind-clad sword in both of his hands. 

Arthur activated 'thunderclap impulse' and he felt lightning mana invade his mana channels and blood flow. With all the strength he could muster he sped several meters away from them. 

Once he was far enough away he looked back to see if they were still following and to his surprise, they are. Instead of fighting each other, it looked as if they formed a pact to take down Arthur, "tch! how annoying!" He growled with gritted teeth.

He took in his surroundings and saw that Amelia and Sevren were fighting each other and by the looks of it they were nearly evenly matched with each other. 

He saw the three people from just now walking towards him and the other three by his right speeding towards him. Deciding for the latter Art blitz towards the elf and dwarf trio that he hasn't fought yet.

Once he was a couple of meters away from them, Arthur erected a massive earthen wall separating the two teams. 

Focusing on the three in front of him, he chose the weakest-looking one which was the dwarf at the initial dark core. He blitzed toward the dwarf at incredible speeds jabbing him in the abdomen. 

The dwarf fell to the ground wheezing for air, Arthur used the fear that he instilled in the elf and dwarf to crash a massive ice wall into the two, sending them tumbling a couple of feet away.

 He turned to the dwarf and hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out. The referee deemed the dwarf unconscious and therefore eliminated.

Arthur turned to the earthen wall with cracks forming in the lower mid-section of it, fully knowing who to expect on the other side. The wall blasted open, and emerging from it were the human elf and dwarf trio fully. They looked agitated or even perhaps enraged, obviously with what just happened to them it was explainable.

Arthur blitzed to them, getting in between both the elf and the human. 

He struck the human's ribs with a fist clad in fire, at the same time ducking a swing of a sword from the elf. with a twirl of his torso, he struck the elf's thighs with his sword. 

With both the human and the dwarf howling in pain, he turned to the dwarf with battle-hardened eyes fit for the most legendary of fighters and the most epic of battles.

Arthur's intense pressure and fear that he is emanating made the dwarf second think about ganging up on Arthur, but those thoughts were unfounded, as he didn't realize a massive lightning ball struck him in his chest sending him flying. 

He fell unconscious and the referee deemed him eliminated.

Arthur turned to the human and elf just barely getting up with a new emotion invading their faces, fear. 

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