Chapter 2

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Vegas goes to the Main Family's house. Everyone greets him as he heads towards the garden. He saw Porsche standing there but Pete was nowhere to be found.

He decided to approach Porsche but not like the first time. He saw Porsche got tense as soon as he walked up to him, so to ease the atmosphere he decided to start the conversation:

-How is working for the main family going so far? Have you adjusted?

-Yeah, well it's not bad...

Porsche still looked uncomfortable, especially after what happened with Macau and since Vegas didn't want to beat around the bush he just asked:

-Where is Pete? I need his help with some things.

-Uhh, he was at the pool, training with other bodyguards.


Vegas smiled and then left. Thanks to Ken, Vegas knew exactly where the pool was so he instantly headed towards it.

He goes inside and sees bodyguards underwater struggling to take those ropes off. Pete comes up first among them all and swims to the edge of the pool. He can't help but smile as seeing Pete so energetic made him feel better.

After Pete saw Vegas he immediately got out of there and greeted Vegas with a smile.

Vegas knew it was a facade that Pete puts up around other people. And to be honest, before he even got to know Pete he thought that he was just another ordinary bodyguard and a dumbass who kept on smiling like a fool.

-Good evening Mister Vegas.

-Hi, Pete. Hope I'm not disturbing you?

Pete immediately shook his head:

-Of course not. May I help you with anything?

Vegas now realized that he has no idea what to say. He was just staring at Pete. Small drops of water kept running down his face. He looked very attractive. Vegas realized he's been staring at him, so he rubbed his eyes, pretending he's tired and then said:

-Yes. I can't seem to remember where my uncles office is. Could you guide me?

-Of course. Uhh, could you give me a minute?

-No problem. - Vegas smiled as he followed Pete.

Right now he was waiting outside of Pete's room. Once he came out he apologized for making Vegas wait.

-It's okay. No need to rush. I'm not in a hurry anyway.

Pete just smiled again and gestured to follow him. As he walked behind Pete, he thought how different Pete's attitude is. He's very polite, doesn't talk unless it's necessary and oh lord... The way he walked. The confidence, the posture... Everything about him made Vegas go crazy.

Too bad he couldn't tell Pete everything he felt at the moment. All he thought about was hugging Pete right now. Vegas was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't hear what Pete just said.


-This is Mister Korn's office.

-Uh, yeah. Thank you.

Pete bowed down and left. Vegas entered Korn's office, handed some documents to Korn without saying a single word and before the old man could say anything he left the office.

Not a very pleasant face to see especially after remembering that he shot his father, but whatever. One of Korn's bodyguards ran after Vegas and said:

-Mister Korn would like to invite you to have dinner with your cousins.

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