Chapter 21

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While Kinn tried to think of the way to lure his younger brother into coming to the Main Family's house, Vegas went back to Pete's room. He was staring at the ceiling while laying down on his bed.

Pete was a bit startled when he entered the room, but when he saw that it was Vegas, immediately relaxed. Vegas smiled a little and said:

-Missed me?

-You were gone for only 20 minutes.

Vegas pushed his eyebrow up, showing Pete that he still hasn't answered his question. Pete chuckled but then got serious and asked:

-What did Mr. Kinn want to talk to you about?

-Uhm. Well to make it simple for you to understand, the thing that I want to talk to you about... he kind of knows about that thing. But now there are problems with these things that cannot be solved if me and him don't work together.

Pete now looked even more confused. He had no idea what the fuck Vegas was saying, he first wanted to make sure he's sober, so he asked again:

-Are you drunk?


-Then can you explain normally?

-How about this then: Once me and Kinn solve that problem, I'll tell you everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. long is it going to take to solve this problem of yours?

-Honestly? I don't really know. Because right now me and Kinn... we kind of want to involve Kim as well and... uhh I don't know...

Vegas rubbed his eyes and sat down on bed next to Pete. He obviously looked stressed. All these horrible images and his own bad thoughts wouldn't leave his mind. Without turning around to face Pete, Vegas says:

-If we fail... the consequences will be unimaginable. But I don't care what happens to them, to me I have to protect that one person I care about.

Pete still didn't quite understand what Vegas was talking about but it was obviously something important, otherwise he wouldn't be at such state. Pete then sat up on the bed, moved closer to Vegas and kind of sandwiched his lover between himself.

Pete wrapped both his arms and legs around Vegas, hugging him and also putting his chin on Vegas's shoulder. It looked like a koala hugging a tree. Vegas felt the affection which Pete tried to show with such simple gesture. Vegas tilted his head enough to lean onto Pete's head.


-Whatever it is you guys are trying to do, I'm sure you'll succeed. Mr. Kinn doesn't back out from anything, he can be cold hearted and kill without feeling any remorse. Mr. Kim is very smart and strong, no one can ever tell what the guy is thinking, it makes it hard to approach him. And you... you're everything people wish they could be. You're calculating, cunning, handsome, manipulative and also intimidating... No one would want to mess with the 3 of you. I know I wouldn't. think I'm intimidating?

-Yes. Not to me though. I was never scared of you. But you should've seen other bodyguards shit their pants whenever the conversation was about you.

Vegas smirked and asked another question:

-What about the handsome part? Is that you saying or what other people think of me?

-What do you think?

-I don't know.

Pete pouted a little:

-Don't bullshit me, Vegas.

Vegas chuckled and said:

-I really don't know. No one's ever told me that I'm handsome.

-No way. I bet you heard that from other adults at the meetings...

-Nope. I didn't. They'd say: oh look how big your boy has gotten, I bet he's going to break lots of girl's hearts.

-Well that's basically confirming that they think you're handsome.

Vegas just smiled a little but stayed silent, he was enjoying Pete hugging him so much that he didn't care about anything else. After a few minutes of silence, Pete spoke up again:

-But did you break them?


-Girl's hearts. Don't get me wrong I somehow thought you were only onto men. Guess I was wrong.

-I am onto men. Women don't do it to me. I hate them. My mom always cried because of other women...

-Sorry, I shouldn't have-

-No. if you want to ask me anything just do it. I won't hide anything from you. I just want you to be patient about the thing me, Kinn and Kim are gonna do. I promise, you'll find out everything.

-I will wait. You don't have to be worried.

Pete stroked Vegase's belly. Vegas turned his head around, grabbed Pete's head on one side and on the other side gave him a kiss on the cheek. Pete let's him go and they both lay on the bed hugging each other. It was enough for now. They were both happy.



-Glad you made it here so fast.


-You said it was really important. I hope I'm not spending my time here in vain.


-I promise you're not. We're just missing out one more person... He'll be here in a minute.


-Okay. What is this all about anyway?


-... It's a long story, so I suggest you take a seat.

Kim rolled his eyes and sat down. Kinn was thinking of the way to bring up the time traveling thing without sounding crazy. Then they heard the door open and Kim's face twisted into confusion.


-What the hell is this guy doing here?


-Calm down, mister singer. I'm not delighted to be here either, but I have enough of the energy to pretend I like both of you at the moment just so we can go back to our businesses sooner, so... Shall we begin?

Kim looked at Kinn with the: Are you fuckin kidding me expression. But realizing that even Kinn needed Vegas for this, something was obviously wrong. Kim relaxed on the couch he was sitting on and said:

-Go ahead. I'm listening...

Author's note:
Couldn't fall asleep so instead of wasting time decided to write the new chapter...
P.s I have no idea how I'm gonna be taking my classes today cuz now I'm sleepy af lmao...

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