Chapter 23

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Vegas and the women, whom now was sitting next to him were drinking vodka. Out of everyone in the world, Vegas honestly didn't expect to encounter the assassin he sent once to attack Kinn just to test out Porsche's abilities as a new bodyguard.


-What was your name?

-I don't tell people my real name. Part of my job you see.


-And what do you suggest I call you?

-Hmm, you can call me Dao.


-Okay. Very smart of you actually, not using the actual name.


-Being anonymous is important you know. Many missions could be ruined if people would be able to recognize you.


-It's not like your face can be hidden.


-You've never heard of such things as make up and wigs?


-I don't believe something as simple as make up AND a wig could change your appearance. But go on I guess...

Dao laughed a bit and then asked:

-So what exactly brought you here?

-What brought YOU here?

-I asked you first.

-...ugh. I'm here to get wasted after encountering some... problems.

-Buisness, family, love?

-Family. You?

-Buisness and love. My wife recently found out about my job. She's been begging me to leave it but... it's not like there's much I can do besides killing people.

-That's one hell of a problem. I feel bad for you and your wife as well.

-You can feel?

-...never mind, I take that back.

The woman giggled a little and said:

-I'm joking. Ahah, I appreciate that. There aren't many people I can talk to about this.

-I know. I understand why she wants you to quit. I'd ask my man to do the same if it wasn't for the fact that both of us are involved in this whole Mafia thing.

-Oh... Well I think it's better to murder people together than have one of you sit at home and worry about the well-being of your significant other, no?

-It's still not that easy. He was recently hurt and there wasn't much I could help with...

-We can't always help them, but I think what matters is if we're there for them in their toughest period of time.

-I don't want to think that way. I'd rather die than let anything happen to him ever again.

-I understand.

The alcohol started to get to both of their heads. Probably one of the reasons they were able to chat so freely about their feelings although they were basically strangers who met up twice for buisness.


-You said "it's better to murder people together than have one of you sit at home and worry about the well-being of your significant other". The problem is that we're not really murdering people together. I'm sure you know the situation regarding the Main and the Minor family. Technically we're not even allowed to be together...

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