Chapter 13

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TW: Blood, violence, gore.

Walking around in the hospital for the past few minutes felt like years for Vegas. Not a single doctor came out of that damn room to tell him if Pete made it or not. As he looked at his hands, still covered in blood, he wanted to cry. That is until he heard Kinn calling him.

-How is he?

Vegas didn't look at his cousin, he just took a deep breath and answered:

-I don't know... These bastards won't tell me anything...

Kinn looked at him and all he could see is a broken guy, who doesn't know what to do. He understood how Vegas felt mostly because he'd have the same reaction if the bullet hit Porsche instead.

It was weird for him. Feeling bad for Vegas was something he could never have imagined. Yet, here they are. Kinn decided to break the silence by telling Vegas to wash his hands. Vegas didn't want to. The blood covering his hands belongs to Pete.


-Do you want him to see you at this state?


-For fucks sake, Kinn! Leave me alone!

Next thing they see happening is the doctors running out of operating room. They were in obvious hurry. As if something happened...


Just as Pete was falling down, Vegas managed to prevent his head from hitting the floor. He was sitting down and holding Pete in his arms. Vegas took a look at his body and saw that he was bleeding from his stomach. He tried to stop the bleeding by putting his hand on the wound.

-Hey, hey, hey. Pete. You'll be fine.

Sounded more like Vegas was trying to convince himself and not Pete.

-It's not that bad, you've been through worse. You've been through worse...

The tears started flowing down his face. But all he kept saying was that everything will be fine. Pete couldn't understand what Vegas meant by: You've been through worse. And to be honest he couldn't concentrate on anything, it was too painful.

Once Pete started to lose his conscience, Vegas tried to make him stay awake. He was so focused on Pete, he didn't even realize what chaos was going on around him. Tawan shoot 2 more bodyguards. One of them got lucky, just a hand injury, but the other bodyguard, who happened to be Ken, wasn't so lucky. A bullet to the head instantly killed him.

Vegas looked up only for a few seconds. Seeing Tawan running away made him feel like he was drowning. Everyone were so focused on the bodyguards, including Pete, that no one went after that bitch.

Vegas wiped his tears away, gently handed Pete's unconscious body to Porsche, who was more shocked than sad. The possibility of Pete dying hasn't entirely hit his mind yet. He held Pete, while Vegas stood up. Next thing they know is how Vegas just ran.

Kinn ran after Vegas. Both of them left the warehouse already, chasing down Tawan. He took out the bomb remote control and started screaming that he'll blow up the place. But seeing that neither Vegas nor Kinn stopped, he pushed the button.

Nothing happened. The warehouse didn't blow up. It made Tawan stop runnig. He didn't realize how Vegas ran into him and immediately put him down. He started beating up Tawan.


-Vegas, stop. We need him alive.


-You do. I don't.

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