Chapter 19

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TW: Mature content?? Idk.

Pete was speechless... He had absolutely no idea what to say. Vegas just told him that his father beat him up because he wasn't home these past few days, but c'mon now, Pete knew for sure that Vegas was just trying to convince himself that his father wasn't that bad and that he actually deserves to be treated like this.

But Vegas reassured him that he finally understands that he's not the problem. Well... It didn't justify the things he did but it was totally understandable now. Although it was hard, he still needed to accept that fact. Pete wasn't sure if Vegas meant it or if he was telling this Pete so that he wouldn't worry about him.

They were laying down on Pete's bed. Vegas had his head on Pete's left chest, since the right side is still healing. He didn't want to lay like this but Pete insisted that it doesn't hurt at all so he should relax.


-I'm glad you understand me but at the same time I'm not.



Vegas looked up at him, and while Pete continued stroking his hair, he answered:

-It just upsets me that you had to go through something similar...

Pete took a deep breath before answering:

-Like I said, it's not our fault. It's just the way it is. Some people are lucky, some are not. We don't choose the family we're born in but we can choose the family we want to stay with Vegas.

-... I want to stay with you. And Macau.

Pete wasn't expecting to hear that. He was surprised at how sweet Vegas actually is. Imagine hearing that this guy can torture someone for hours and then hear him say stuff like this...

It wasn't the time to think about that right now, but Pete was hoping that he was the only person whom Vegas showed this side of him. It was probably wrong but still... Right now he didn't give a damn if Vegas would commit genocide in front of him, he just wanted Vegas all to himself.

Vegas rolled over to get on top of Pete. He was holding his balance by putting pressure on his elbows, so that he wouldn't touch Pete directly. He proceeded to brush some of Pete's hair off of his face, revealing his forehead.

Pete closed his eyes obviously waiting for Vegas to kiss him and Vegas did. Just not where Pete expected him to. He kissed him at the corner of his eye, which made Vegas himself chuckle a little and say:

-Waiting for something more I see, huh?

-Stop teasing me.

-Sorry, sorry. Couldn't help it. You're really adorable when you're pissed.

-I can literally gauge your eyes out right now.

-I know.

If anyone told Pete just a few weeks ago that he'll be laying in the bed with Vegas, he'd laugh his ass off and would ask the person to check their brain.

-Are you going to be in more trouble now with your father?

-You thinking about other men when we're together?

-Vegas, I'm serious.

-Me too.

-You're impossible...

Pete did not have the energy to argue right now and neither did Vegas. He laid back down next to Pete and heavily sighted.


-If there's anything you need my help for, just tell me.


-Comfort me with a kiss?

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