Chapter 5

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-Didn't you miss me? Why haven't you called? It's been so long since I last saw you.

Vegas wasn't listening to him. He was thinking of what he should do. Should he kill Tawan right on spot or use him for something else? What a dilemma. He was so busy thinking about Pete, that he straight up forgot about Tawan.

Vegas pushed Tawan away without aggression, but at the same time it was the amount of force to make Tawan realize that Vegas did NOT want to be touched by him.


-What is it? Did I do something wrong?

Vegas kept on thinking. This time Tawan got pissed off and he just yelled at Vegas for ignoring him. Vegas kept his indifferent expression, yet he really wanted to punch that guy. Felt like his eardrums were bleeding.


-I fuckin told you not to come here. You know Kinn's people are watching me all the time.

At the moment Kinn wasn't tailing Vegas or anything, but since he'll do that soon Vegas just decided to use it as an excuse while thinking what to do next.


-I'm sorry, I just really missed you.


-... Go home Tawan. I don't have time for this.

Tawan looked like he was about to cry. Vegas knew Tawan was so crazy about him that he wouldn't run away nor risk do anything without asking for his permission.

Tawan tried to hug Vegas but Vegas just pushed him away again. Without saying anything he returned to his mansion, leaving Tawan all alone.

Vegas managed to somehow fall asleep. He dreamt about Pete being locked up in his safe house. He woke up in cold sweat realising that it wasn't a dream. Those were memories, from the first time. He couldn't get those horrifying things he did to Pete out of his head.

Thinking that second chance might actually make him forget about those awful things he did to the man he loves was absolutely wrong. He never regretted anything in his whole life. But Pete...

If he knew how his story with Pete would turn out he'd never do it again...

It was 8 a.m. Vegas had to take Macau to school. As far as he remembered tonight Pete will be told to tail him. He wanted to see him as soon as possible.

The whole day felt like years. He kept on replaying that day in his head. He wasn't sure if he's supposed to change anything about that encounter, so he decided that he'll just go with the flow.

And finally it was night. He took Macau out to eat something and once they went out he saw Pete in the car with another bodyguard.

He told Macau that he wants to take a walk and thanks to that he walked past Pete. There was a second when he noticed that Pete pretended to kiss his co-worker. Probably to not blow his cover.

Vegas knew it was acting, but the anger he felt was impossible to describe.
If he could shoot that guy next to Pete, he'd gladly do it.

But since it was not an option (purely because Pete wouldn't like it, otherwise Vegas wouldn't hesitate to shoot), he had to pretend like he didn't notice them, so he passed by.

He went into the store, got some stuff and then he remembered that he also teased Pete with condoms. Why not do it again?

He went back to where Pete's car was parked and managed to scare Pete to the point where poor guy jumped up in his seat. But soon enough he reverted to his smiley persona.


-Mister Vegas... What a coincidence.

Vegas smiled a little bit, then handed Pete a bag saying:

-Here. I've noticed you've been sitting here for awhile now, so I thought maybe you guys would be hungry.

Pete took the bag and said:

-Thank you.

He awkwardly passed the bag to Pol and kept on smiling to Vegas. Then Vegas left them but soon enough he heard Pete screm:


Vegas smirked and slowly turned around returning to them. He bent down a bit and said:

-Sorry. I bought these for myself.

Once he tried to take it Pete's face immediately went pale from seeing the size of the condoms.

Vegas then added:

-Unless you'd like to share?

Pete, awkwardly smiled:

-Haha... There's no need for that, Mister Vegas. Please go on.


-Well too bad. I'd be happy to share. Good luck...

Vegas left Pete absolutely speechless. Pol turned to face Pete with the same shocked expression:

-What did he just say to you???

Pete's brain stopped working so he ignored his friend, meanwhile Vegas was satisfied with the fact that he made Pete feel flustered.

Side note:
Sorry for late update, I've been working non stop past few days. It was supposed to be a part time job but because many of my coworkers suddenly fell ill I had to work instead of them...
I was really tired and the reason I managed to write first 4 chapters so fast was because I already had the idea settled in mind, but right now I'll need more time to write a chapter.
Have a nice day 💕

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