Chapter 12

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Vegas calls Ken on his second phone like always, since the original one belongs to the main family and they're recording every call. Ken helped Vegas get into the Main Family's house and Vegas headed towards the pool.

He saw Porsche was just swimming around alone. Once Porsche saw Vegas, he got out of the water and greeted him.

-Hello Mister Vegas.

-Hello. Listen I'm gonna meke it short, I need your help.

Porsche frowned a little, wondering what is it that Vegas needed his help with.

-I'm listening...


After Tawan successfully framed Porsche, Kinn locked him up in the cell. He was walking around thinking about what Vegas has told him not so long ago.

Once he heard footsteps he thought it was Kinn, but was disappointed after seeing Vegas.


-Have you thought about what I said?


-... Yeah.


-And your answer is..?



Vegas smirked like the devil he is and opened the cell. Porsche stepped out and once they were about to go upstairs, Pete blocked the way.


-Don't make this hard for me...

Pete then looked at Vegas. Both of them got lost in each others eyes. At that moment Pete thought about the note and he wanted to back out but suddenly Porsche grabbed his hand.

Whilst they held each other, Porsche told Vegas to run away. Vegas knew Kinn's going to let Porsche go anyway, so he left.
Although he didn't like the fact that Porsche and Pete had to fight. But he knew if Kinn sees him right now, nothing will work out.

Pete and Porsche fought each other, until Porsche knocked Pete down. Pete wasn't going full bodyguard mode cuz he genuinely didn't want to hurt his friend.

(Yeah, I think Pete would win if he wanted to in that fight, argue with the wall if you disagree🙄)

Once Porsche went towards the stairs, this time around, Kinn was the one who blocked the path.

-Porsche... Don't do this.

-...I wouldn't if you trusted me.

Kinn lets Porsche go, after which Kinn and Pete are left alone. Porsche meets up with Vegas and they both leave.


-I need to pick my brother up.

Vegas takes him to his house, seeing that his brother wasn't there, he doesn't freak out. He looks at Vegas and before he can say anything, Vegas already speaks up:

-Told you he wouldn't be here. Either you come with me, or I leave.

-Why should I even trust you?

-Do I look like I have time for this right now?

Porsche was speechless. Why would Vegas tell him that his brother will be  captured by Tawan and tell him he's going to help save him. They didn't even know each other. It was weird, especially hearing all those awful things about Vegas.

He thought he lied, so he had to make sure it was the truth. But now he thought maybe it's a trap and Vegas is just trying to get rid of him. That wouldn't make any sense either cuz he was already framed good enough for Kinn to lock him up. What was even going on?

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