Chapter 16

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TW: Mature Content.

Pete was waiting for Vegas. His eyes felt heavier each minute and without realizing it, he fell asleep since he was too tired anyways. Vegas on the other hand...

He was struggling big time. His thoughts didn't help at all. The only thing coming to his mind was his first time having sex with Pete. The way Pete made the first move, smashing their lips together, leaving Vegas absolutely speechless... Only for them to devour each other seconds later...

Him kissing Pete's neck and going down on him. Him pushing his tongue inside the hot mess, opening Pete up at the slowest pace... Vegas slowly pulled his pants down, grabbed his cock and started stroking it...

He remembered giving gentle kisses to Pete. The image of him thrusting his dick inside of Pete was also pretty vivid. Although it hasn't happened here, he remembered every detail of their first time. Especially when Pete was moaning and screaming out his name. Pain and pleaure all mixed up together...

Vegas didn't want Pete to become the witness of his masturbation, but he was no longer able to stop himself, being in the grip of acute pleasure and an approaching orgasm. He was breathing hard, almost wheezing, inhaling and exhaling air with with his mouth. He could practically hear his own heartbeat.

As he moved faster his breath grew shorter, his small gasps and moans became more frequent. Vegas doesn't know how much time passed, it's all becoming too intense and hazy for him. In the back of his mind he still wants this to last, he still wants to slow it down but at the same time he wants this to end, solely because he doesn't want Pete to hear him.

It was all too much for him but somehow still not enough. Gosh... He needed Pete here with him. He wanted him so bad it was unbearable.

It all falls away after that. Sparks set off inside him, an intense wave of pleasure has him gasping for air, his nerves on fire as he finally cums. His body is shaking. He remains where he is for now, letting the tingles all over his body subside.

Once he started gaining back his senses, he looked down at himself and under his breath, he mumbled:

-What the fuck am I doing...


When Tankhun and his bodyguards arrived to the hospital, Pete was already awake. Vegas left the room to give Pete the chance to talk to his Boss. They were so energetic and Pete was genuinely happy to see them but he still felt a bit weaker than usual...


-Jesus... Pete, you've literally been here for only a day, but you look like you wanna leave.


-You know I don't like sitting still.


-I know! But it's for your own good.


-Aren't we all sitting still when we watch dramas together?

Arm slapped pol on the hand. Tankhun glared at them, so Arm decided to save their asses by changing the subject:

-So the stitches will be removed in 4 days right?


-Yeah, after that I'll need extra 5 days and then I'll be able to get back to work.


-Great! That's amazing! It's really boring without you. These two idiots don't understand a damn thing in the dramas that we watch!

Pol was about to say something but Arm shut him up by immediately pinching his arm. (No pun intended)

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