Chapter 9

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Vegas was in a good mood. Great mood actually. He got out of bed, washed his face, brushed his teeth and put some clothes on.

Well... Let's mention the fact that it was 7 p.m. He couldn't sleep the whole night so he slept the whole day instead. Good thing his father was out of town for 2 days, so he didn't have any meetings nor he needed to go anywhere.

Macau knocked on the door and once Vegas let him in, Macau frowned:

-Thought you died or something... Aren't planning on eating? Haven't seen you the whole day.


-I just woke up. What did you want?


-Wanted to ask if you don't mind... I want to spend the night at my friend's house.



Macau nodded.


-Okay, no problem. I'll tell Nop, he'll take you there.


-You seem a bit different these past few days.


-What do you mean?


-I don't know man... You seem in a good mood and I noticed the last few days you've been going to Main Family mansion without your usual gloomy face.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see you like this but it also concernes me as of why you changed your demeanor so suddenly.

Vegas was surprised that Macau even noticed that. Turns out his little brother was way sharper than he thought. Vegas decided to partly tell him the truth, after all Macau and Pete were the only people in his life whom he was honest with.


-Well if you wanna know ...

Macau just nodded as of telling Vegas that he's listening.


-There is this guy I like.

Macau got excited. His eyes sparkled and he smiled like a little kid who just got his favourite candy.


-Wow, and who is this poor guy?

Vegas rolled his eyes and Macau just laughed asking:

-No, but seriously. I'm assuming this person is working for the Main Family? Is that why you don't have a problem with going there recently?




-Just tell me the name, maybe I know him.




-Pete. Pete? Wait... PETE? The head bodyguard??? How the fu-

Vegas raised his right eyebrow. Macau didn't finish he sentence, instead he said:

-How on earth you guys even managed?


-It's one sided.


-Ohh... Wow. Pete is probably the last person I'd expect for you to fall for. He is too uhh... nice?


-... do you think there is a chance he might like me back?


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