Chapter 11

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Vegas was heading towards the temple. Obviously he noticed Pete snekaing around right behind him. Pete called Kinn to inform him of Vegas's whereabouts and then Macau just appeared out of nowhere and startled Pete by putting his hands on his shoulder.

-Hello Mr. Vegas!!

Macau smiled and Pete immediately corrected himself:

-Hello Mr. Macau.

-If you're here... Don't tell me my cousin is also here?

Vegas, whom appeared from behind Pete, gently put his hand on his shoulder and said:

-I doubt that. I think he's here alone.


-Right... Someone like Tankhun wouldn't come to the temple. He'd burn alive, right?

Pete awkwardly laughed and said:



-What brought you here, Pete?


-I... Actually have a day off today, so I decided to come here and make merits.

The first time when Pete followed Vegas here, Vegas remembered feeling superior to Kinn. It meant he bothered his cousin enough for him to send his most trusted bodyguard after him. It definitely brought him a little bit of joy and the need to play around and mess with Pete.

Before falling for Pete, Vegas always took a lot of satisfaction in their so called "relationship". He knew Pete for many years now, but he never truly SAW him. Vegas liked the sensation that he had some sort of control over Pete, and of course Pete can't escape because he's literally bound by duty to follow him.

Vegas also seemed to believe that Pete was a very interesting person. He didn't back off even though he knew that Vegas already figured out the fact that he was following him. Even after being caught more that just once, he was still keeping his composure.


-Hey, that's nice. We're gonna listen to monk's sermon this afternoon. Will you come with me? Please. I don't know what's gotten into my brother lately but he's suddenly into Dharma.


-Uhh, I got an errand to run, I gotta go...

Vegas immediately grabbed Pete's hand. He didn't want to do it aggressively so he kept holding his hand and said:

-But you just said you have a day off. Didn't you want to make merits?


-C'mon, please. Listening to the sermon is great.


-You'd like me to come along?


-Yeah. This monk gives enjoyable sermons.



But the brothers didn't listen, so they just dragged him along with them. Macau fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down. Vegas, Pete and some other people sat right across the monk, listening to sermon.

Pete didn't seem as disturbed by Vegas as Vegas thought he would be. He even asked Vegas out of curiosity whenever he actually enjoyed listening to the sermon. It was an opportunity for Pete to understand if Vegas is messing with him or if he's really into the sermon.


-Isn't that a good thing? It makes you feel at peace. What do you think about it, Pete?

Pete stayed silent. As soon as monk mentioned the water of dedication and blessing, a man passed a jug to Pete. Pete put it in front of him and turned to ask Vegas if he wanted another jug.


-I can get it for you.


-We make merits together, so in next life we'll see each other again.

This time Vegas meant it. If previously he was really just trying to intimidate Pete and mess with him, this time he was being more honest than ever.

He saw Pete get a little flustered. It was good, since Pete was obviously uncomfortable the first time they were talking in the temple. Now, considering everything that has happened between them, it made sense for Pete to be more flustered than uncomfortable.

Vegas put his hand on Pete's back. Slowly sliding it down till he was touching his butt. Pete glared at him, his face was slightly different. He was embarrassed at the fact that Vegas was doing that in public. Besides, Macau was right behind them.

Pete didn't move away. He just quietly put his hand on top on Vegas's hand and moved him away. Screaming with his eyes to stop with the teasing. Monk was done with the sermon so Vegas asked Pete to pour the water for him. Pete, nodded, took the jar and left.

Vegas took out the paper and the pencil (which he luckily had with him) and wrote a letter for Pete. He didn't have his phone number and even if he did all their conversations would be recorded. Macau, whom just woke up, sat next to Vegas and while smirking, asked:

-Where's your lover?


-If you think I'll start saying "he's not my lover" you're wrong. Stop acting like a little brat.

Macau just laughed:

-I wanted to see how you guys were uh... Communicating?

-Is that why you fell asleep?

-You know I get bored easily in these kind of places. Wait, are you leaving this for him?


-Why not wait for him? We can tell him to come to the movies with us or something. Don't you want to spend more time with him?

-I do. But now it's better if we leave.

-What are you even writing for so long?

-Nothing that concerns you, little brother. C'mon, let's go.

Vegas left the note. He didn't write anything about merits this time. He wrote something entirely different...

Side note:
I know this chapter is kind of short and nothing new really happened BUT the next chapter will be longer and as you know the plot will be changing already.
Thank you for being patient ☺️❤️
Have a nice day~

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