Chapter 31

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While Vegas told Pete everything, Pete hasn't interrupted him. Not even once. It made Vegas ask himself if Pete thought he was crazy or something, but judging by his lover's expression that was definitely not the case.


No reaction. Pete was deep in his own thoughts, while sitting on the bed. Vegas sat next to him and gently put his hand on Pete's thigh. Pete flinched a little, but finally looked at Vegas.

-Uhh... Sorry, I need a few more minutes to digest everything you just told me.

-Wouldn't it be easier for you to call me crazy and say that I'm lying to you?

-What? No. Why would you lie to me.

Vegas took a deep breath. It was actually heartwarming that Pete didn't even think for a second that Vegas might be bullshitting him. That was a good sign. Still Vegas felt anxious.

-Is that the thing you've been meaning to tell me all this time?


-What about Mr. Kinn and Mr. Kim?

-They know only because Kinn also time-travelled... I wasn't going to tell him nor Kim anything. Only you. I just... I was struggling to figure out how to tell you everything without you thinking that I'm trying to manipulate you into going against the Main Family or worse... That's why I waited till you actually wanted to be here with me, before I told you everything.

-... judging from everything you just told me I'd say you you had the perfect opportunity to take Mr. Kinn down. Why didn't you?

-Because you were the only thing on my mind.


-You really think I'd use my second chance to spend it on someone like Kinn?

-Well... It is what your father always wanted you to do... So I assumed you'd do that to get his recognition.

-That's what I'd probably do if it wasn't for you.

-What do you mean?

-Remember what you told me at the hospital? " They don't beat us because we suck...

-"...they beat us because they're just shit parents themselves"... I remember.

-It may not seem like it but it helped me to realize a lot of things. The first time you told me that was when I held you hostage here... in this room...

Pete looked around the room. He frowned a little bit and then stood up. Vegas just watched as Pete walked around the room touching the chains. He was doing it slowly, occasionally closing his eyes as if he tried to imagine how things between him and Vegas went the first time.

Vegas stood up and walked up behind Pete. He grabbed the chains and carefully wrapped around both of Pete's wrists, making him raise his hands up. Pete wasn't pushing him away. Vegas leaned closer to his ear and whispered:

-Wanna know what else happened when you were chained up like this?

The way Vegas gently ran his hand under his lover's shirt, touching his belly, made Pete's heart beat even faster than before. Vegas felt Pete shivering under his touch. Anyone would think that Pete was scared, but no.

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