Chapter 8

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Vegas, Pete, Porsche and Arm ambush that one old man. They interrogate him and while being under pressure of Vegas's threats, the old man gives up and agrees to help them get past the security.

Later that day Pete sneaked into the Minor Family's main hall and a minute later he received a message from Kinn regarding the whole thing. He wanted Pete to check just in case to make sure Vegas is not plotting something against them.

This was the first time Pete genuinely didn't want to spy on someone. He never disobeyed the Main Family and was loyal like no one else. Duty was the priority...

-Looking for something?

Pete got startled by the sudden appearance of Vegas. Who knows how long he was standing there. Pete knew he screw up but tried to play it off with an awkward smile and a lie:

-I was looking for... Uhh... My room. I'm still not used to this place you know.

Vegas smiled and put his hand around Pete's shoulder:

-Well, should've said something earlier. I'll escort you to your room.

Vegas knew damn well that Pete was lying. Still he couldn't blame him because Pete was just doing his job. Vegas wasn't anyone to Pete aside from his boss's cousin.


-Thanks for walking me.


-No problem. If you need anything just say so. Okay?



Vegas was about to leave, but then Pete called his name very quietly. He wasn't even sure, maybe he imagined it?


-Hm? Did you say something?

Pete immediately shook his head and said:

-No, nothing.

The next day Vegas explained the whole plan. Him, Pete and that old men were supposed to make sure they get past security. Once one of the guards started touching Pete to make sure he doesn't have a gun, Vegas shot that guy without any hesitation.

He didn't want anyone to touch him. He was so distracted by his jealousy and anger that he didn't notice another guy pull his gun out. Lucky for him Pete immediately reacted, turned his own gun against that man and pulled the trigger first.

Of course Vegas found that hotter than he was supposed to. Good thing people can't read each others minds, or else...
Next thing they do is ambush Don by using a truck. Vegas opened the trucks backdoor, after which Pete, Porsche and Arm started shooting everyone. This time Vegas was purposely not killing everyone.

He saw the opportunity and used it because every time he was "distracted" by other shooters, Pete was killing the ones who tried to approach Vegas from behind. This put a grin on his face. Once the shootout was over, they all gathered around Don. Vegas made the last shot.

Now they were at the club. One of the many that was owned by Vegas. Since the mission ended successfully they decided to have a party. Drinking, smoking and dancing. Everyone was having fun.

Vegas wanted to go over and talk to Pete but oh man... Porsche and Arm just wouldn't leave him alone for a second. All three of them were glued to each other. Something needed to be done.

Vegas went to the bartender and asked for a glass of champagne. He drank the whole glass then proceeded to ask for more. Finally he noticed that all of them are going somewhere. He immediately went towards them and while Arm and Porsche were at the front, they didn't notice Vegas stopping Pete since he was behind them.

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