Chapter 7

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Vegas was standing right infront of the casino. He was waiting for the right moment to go inside. Once he heard people screaming he went inside the building and then got to the hall where one of the man who tried to blow up the casino sprinted towards him.

Vegas kicked him down then aimed his gun at that guy. He saw Big, Porsche and Pete run down the stairs trying to catch the guy that now was laying down under his feet.

Vegas, smirking:

-Well I guess minor family takes this one.

Pete and the rest of the bodyguards were really surprised. The next thing they do is take that man hostage. Big started beating the crap out of him but he wouldn't talk.

Pete could not take anymore of this useless beatings so he just told Big:

-Alright, that's enough. He's not gonna say anything if he dies...

Vegas then stood up and said:

-Let me try.


-Mister Vegas, what are doing?


-I have my methods. I suggest you guys leave this room or you might lose your appetite.

Everyone stared at each other and then Pete gave unreadable look to Vegas. Some might have thought it was fear, some might have thought that it was a spark of interest of what will Vegas do...

They all left the room, well more like stood behind the bars and while Vegas was torturing that man the only person who didn't take his eyes off of Vegas was Pete. Porsche turned around to not look at all. Arm was terrified by what he was witnessing and Big just kept on trying to look but he couldn't. It was too much for all of them, except for Pete. 

The moment Vegas was done torturing that guy he turned around to look at the bodyguards and he saw Pete's expression. All he could think at the moment was "Wow, he looks absolutely mesmerized".

He wasn't scared obviously, more like intrigued by what Vegas was doing. After all, Pete never really saw this side of Vegas till now. Truly mafia behaviour.

The next step was the meeting between two brothers. Vegas was with them. He was thinking should he ask his uncle to make Porsche go with him or straight up ask for only Pete to participate in this plan.

That would be too suspicious. But maybe if he asks for Porsche, Kinn will get jealous just like the first time and will make Pete and Arm follow him as well? Yeah, that was definitely going to work, so to not risk it he'll just make it seem like he only needs Porsche.

Just like he predicted, out of jealousy Kinn really sent Arm and Pete in case Vegas would try to pull something. This time around Vegas wasn't annoyed by Pete's presence. It was the opposite.

When Pete stood behind Porsche and said: "Mr. Kinn was worried that Porsche wouldn't have handled it by himself so he sent us to help" Vegas was secretly overjoyed but he played it out as if he didn't really care.

The next few minutes they spent walking around the city. Vegas made sure to listen to Pete and whatever he was saying because he was right behind him. Then he heard Arm and Pete talking about the food which was being served, so Vegas handed them the chicken or whatever it was and said to enjoy it. Pete and Arm looked satisfied, they thanked Vegas and kept walking behind him.

A few more minutes pass and they reach one of the restaurant Vegas owned.


-If you need anything just let me know.


-Umm... Why is everyone so relaxed?


-They don't have anything to worry about at this moment. So... Why not relax?

Porsche looked a bit confused so he signaled his friends to be on guard. They go upstairs and Vegas notices Pete bowing his head. Then Vegas stopped and asked:

-Are guys hungry?

Arm, without any hesitation:


Light punch from Porsche and the awkward silence followed. Pete decided to speak up:

-We'll eat with everyone later.


-Follow me then.

Vegas took them to Minor Family's Mansion backyard. There was a huge table in the middle and bunch of people sitting around it, including Vegas's father.


-The bodyguards live on the second floor. The third floor is where you guys will be staying for now. Each of you will have your own room. The table is already set, so if you guys are hungry you can eat right now. We don't have any schedule for meals, everyone eats whenever they want to.

Vegas noticed Pete being visibly impressed by that. Not knowing why, Vegas felt like he just conquered the entire world. He then saw his brother so he went past him to say hi.

They all set down and Porsche was visibly uncomfortable but to Vegas's surprise he didn't ask the question which he was technically supposed to ask like the first time.

It was probably because he didn't communicate with Porsche at all, so it would be weird if Porsche would be too interested in Minor Family's affairs.

Vegas took the glass of wine and took a sip. His eyes kept on going back to look at Pete. He was sitting next to Arm and one moment he heard them talking about something...


-Hey, Pete. That guy keeps on looking at you ...

Then Vegas sees Pete turn his head around slowly to take a look at one of his bodyguards. Vegas followed the bodyguards gaze and it was really obvious that he was shamelessly staring at Pete.

Poor Pete then turned back to Arm and whispered:

-Is he planning on eating me or his meal?

Arm did his best not to burst out laughing meanwhile Pete's face screamed HELP. Vegas was not okay with that. To be precise, he was planning on how to murder that guy in his mind...

Pete accidentally looked at Vegas and noticed his not-very-happy expression. When Vegas realized that Pete was looking at him, he forgot about the murdering plan and just focused on Pete and the way he was awkwardly smiling.

After they finished eating they all got up to head to their rooms. The guy that was staring at Pete stopped him to ask:

-Are you single?

Pete was about to say something but then he saw Vegas approach him. He stood next to Pete and said:

-No he's not. Know your place, you're at work right now. I didn't hire you to flirt around with other bodyguards, do you understand?

The bodyguard's heart sank into his pants. Vegas was already intimidating but this time it felt like his whole life was in danger. He apologized to Vegas and left. Vegas stepped Infront of Pete this time and added:

-Sorry about that, I'll teach him some manners later.


-It's okay...

Vegas raised his eyebrow and Pete kind of exhaled heavily saying:

-Actually no. It's not. Thanks for telling him off for me. I didn't want to be rude.


-Anything for you.

Pete was a bit loss for words. When Vegas realized what he had just said he immediately added:

-You're a guest after all and my men are acting like idiots.

Pete laughed a little bit and then thanked Vegas again. Vegas was going crazy at the fact that other men (obviously) would be interested in Pete. Of course they would be, look at him. He's the proof that perfect people actually exist. At least that's what Vegas was thinking...

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