Chapter 6

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Vegas heard the news about Kinn being shot. He also assumed that Tankhun and Porsche would definitely be at the hospital. And if Tankhun would be there, naturally Pete would also be present.

He wasn't 100% sure because he didn't see him that time. He went to see Porsche and hand him flowers. This time around he's going to see Pete.

He was now standing in the hallway looking for the room where Kinn was. He was walking around and then heard his cousin screaming and crying. Well actually turned out he was just trolling Porsche.

Vegas was standing behind the corner of the hall. He saw Pete make an annoyed expression because of Tankhun. His face just screamed "I don't get paid enough for this".

Now Vegas was waiting for the right moment to approach Pete. He couldn't do that unless Pete would be standing alone. He didn't have the nerves to listen to Tankhuns screams and curses if he saw Vegas. That's why it was better to wait.

Finally he hears Pete telling other bodyguards to watch over Tankhun. He then walked away. Vegas quickly changed his location because Pete was heading right towards him.

He turned around the corner again, waited a little bit and once he heard the footsteps he stepped forward as well which caused him to bump into Pete.


-I'm so sorry, I wasn't... Mister Vegas?


-I'm sorry too, I wasn't looking where I was going.


-It's fine, it's my fault as well. What brings you here?


-Father said Kinn was shot. I came to check up on him.

Yeah, that was bullshit but whatever.


-Oh, okay. Want me to escort you to his room?


-No, no. It's fine. I'll check up on him a bit later. Are you here with Tankhun?


-Yes. I just left him to get some water. Or tea. Or coffee. Preferably coffee. I couldn't sleep last night.


-Why is that?


-Uhh, it's not big of a deal. Anyways, I'll go, you're probably busy as well, Mister Vegas.


-I told you already, no need to use formality when it's just 2 of us.


-Sorry. I'm not used to it.


-Is it okay if I accompany you?


-Oh, no no. You don't have to.


-I want to have a drink as well anyway.


-If that's what you want Mist.. I mean Vegas.

Vegas smirked and with satisfaction on his face he said:

-See? It's not that hard.

Pete smiled a little and then awkwardly gestured Vegas to follow him.
They went outside the hospital building. Luckily for them there was a café right across the street.

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