Chapter 18

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Pete was laying in his room on the couch watching TV. It was some documentary about animals. He was bored but he was not allowed to train for now. He was exhausted from doing nothing the whole day. Wandering around the house didn't help him clear his mind at all.

He was falling asleep again so he turned the lights off, but then someone knocked on the door. "Urgh when I'm bored no one comes here but when I'm falling asleep everyone immediately remembers about my existence". Pete angrily got up and went to open the door.

Once he opened it, someone immediately stepped inside and locked the door. It was dark but he was sure it was Vegas because no one ever hugged him like this before.

-Sorry... - he heard Vegas mumble. Pete stayed silent for a few seconds and before speaking up, he hugged Vegas back.

-...did something happen?


Pete didn't like the silence. No, more like he didn't like the silence at this particular moment. When they were at the hospital, most of the time they'd silently lay down and hug each other. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was fine.

But right now the aura around Vegas seemed way different. It's like he wanted to say something but was too afraid to break the hug. Pete slowly and gently pushed him away trying to look at his face.

Vegas was wearing a hoodie. Neither his hair nor his face was visible under the hood. Pete was about to turn the lights back on, but Vegas stopped him from doing it.

-Can we stay like this for a little longer?

Pete didn't answer him, he just hugged Vegas tighter than before. It was probably the best he could do, since now he was sure that something has definitely happened.


-You wanna talk about it?


-...will you get angry if I say no?


-I won't.

Pete broke the hug, grabbed Vegase's arm and leaded him towards the couch. He sat down and then made Vegas lay down on the couch and put his head on his knees. Pete took his hood off of him and then while he was stroking Vegase's hair, Vegas was thinking that if it was the old him instead of trying to talk it out or do well... this, he'd just smash and break some things around him in frustration and anger.

Not this time though. He'll never act aggressively in front of Pete ever again. He still remembers how Pete got startled when he dropped that damn bowl of noodles. It's like he knew that Vegas was going to snap at him. Gosh... He regretted that so much.

Pete then moved his hand to caress his cheek but Vegas hissed as soon as Pete touched him on the face. Pete immediately pushed him off of him, ran towards the switch and turned the light on.

He saw Vegas put his hood back on quickly. Pete then stepped closer to him while Vegas sat down, so he made him stand up again. Vegas was trying his best to hide his face. He underestimated Pete's strength, thinking that since he's still recovering he won't use much force.

But Pete wasn't having it. He easily overpowered Vegas and pushed the hood down, finally revealing Vegase's face. His eyes were red, his lower lip was torn apart on the left side, he had a bruise under his right eye and some other bruises all over his face which weren't that visible.

-What the hell happened???


-Are you serious? Tell me who did this to you!

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