Chapter 1

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(First story on here, please let me know what you think! Thank you so much for reading and hope you enjoy).


It is currently morning and you feel the warmth of the sun shining through your bedroom window, you let out a groan and take a pillow to cover your face. Knowing how early it was, you dreaded the thought of getting up.

"It's getting late, get out of bed or else you'll be late for school!!" Your mother shouted, removing the pillow from your face to  look at your wall clock and read 6:30am, you let out another groan and swung your feet from the bed and started walking towards the bedroom door. Once you open the door the sweet smell of coffee hits your nose and you smile as you make your way towards the kitchen,"Good morning mom," you say and give her a hug,"Good morning sweetie, come on hurry up. You still have to shower, get dressed, and eat some breakfast before you leave for school." Nodding yes to everything she says as you pour the coffee into your mug and let out a sigh of relief after taking the first sip.
"Oh and sweetheart, can you please drop off your sister at Mrs.Wheeler's house please? She was kind enough to accept watching her while I work and you're off at school." You turn to look at your sister and make a funny face making her giggle and quickly give her a kiss on the cheek," No problem mom, I am guessing you will be picking her up afterwards? I have band practice today after school." Heading towards the bathroom, you lock it behind you and start getting undressed and step into the shower. After 30 minutes you step out of the shower and go back to your room to get dressed. Rummaging through your closet you decided on wearing blue jeans and a KISS t-shirt. After putting on your socks and tying your black converse, you pick your black leather jacket off the bed. Looking in the mirror you quickly brush your hair and only put some mascara on your lashes.

"You're going to be late! HURRY UP PLEASE, I'M LEAVING!!" The front door slams and you run out of your room. Opening the fridge and grabbing a cold toaster strudel, you swing your backpack onto your right arm and grab your little sister's as well. "Come on princess, let's get you to Mrs.Wheeler's house!" She extends her little hand and you grab it as the both of you exit the house, locking the front door of the house. Picking up your little sister and placing her on the back seat of your car, buckling her up.
Pulling out of the driveway and began driving towards Mrs.Wheeler's house. It only took a 15 minute drive as you park the car and get your little sister from the back seat.
Knocking on the door you're greeted with Dustin Henderson. "Y/N, hey! What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same thing Henderson, is Mrs. Wheeler here? I'm just here to drop off my little sister." Stepping inside the Wheeler's house you're greeted with everyone, you talk with Mrs. Wheeler and thank her for babysitting. "Okay, I am off to school, my mother will come and pick her up around 6pm. Again thank you Mrs. Wheeler." Giving your little sister a hug and kiss goodbye you step outside walking towards the car. "Wait! Wait!" You hear the voices behind you,"Can you give us all a ride to school?? PLEASE? PLEASE??" Turning to look at Dustin and his friends with their puppy dog eyes, you couldn't help but to say yes and they all get in the back seat cheering.

Thankfully the ride to school wasn't long either because having a car full of little kids was a bit irritating. Parking the car and removing the key to turn off the engine you turn back to look at the boys. "Okay you little boogers, get out." "Thank you! - Yeah, thank you! - You're a lifesaver!" All the boys say as they run towards the front doors of the school. "Yeah, yeah" you say underneath your breath slowly walking towards school. Once getting through the door you hear all the voices and the multiple conversations people are having amongst each other. "Hey, Y/N!" Turning to your left you see your best friend Sandy and the rest of your girlfriends. Greeting them you all start walking towards the gym for the morning pep rally. "I can't believe we all have to bear this stupidity of a pep rally. Seriously! When have we ever won a basketball game??" You snicker and all the girls laugh taking a seat on the bleachers. After 45 minutes everyone in the gym gets up to leave for class, walking along with Sandy the both of you were headed towards English class. Taking a seat at the back of the classroom you start taking notes which only lasted about 10 minutes until you started to doze off and pay more attention to the wall clock than the teacher. Flinching you look down at your desk to see a rolled up paper, looking around you make eye contact with Eddie Munson who was seating two chairs to the left. Giving him a weird look and he mouths for your to unravel the paper, doing so you read it

Meet me after school? Picnic table by the woods. - E.M
Yes -

You roll the paper back up and throw it at him while the teacher has her back toward everyone. Seeing him catch it and read your answer, he smirks and puts it in his jeans pocket.

The bell rang and you got out of your seat and followed behind everyone. "See you at lunch Y/N," Sandy said as she walked the opposite way from you. Giving her a wave you walk towards your next class. Surprisingly the morning went by pretty fast and next thing you know it's lunch time. Walking through the doors of the cafeteria you line up for the school lunch, after grabbing your tray you walk towards your group of friends and begin a conversation. "You all remember we have band practice today right? We have a gig coming up and we need to practice before then." "Oh that's today? Shit! I totally forgot! I'm sorry but I can't, my grandparents are visiting for the weekend so my mom wants me to be home so we can all spend some quality time or whatever," Cindy exclaims rolling her eyes. "What?? No! We've been talking about it for weeks Cindy, seriously??!! Are you even going to the gig or are you bailing on that too??! Who will be doing back-up vocals??" You groan at her as she responds with an "I'm sorry." You just shake your head and reply with a whatever. Noticing your whole mood shift Sandy nudge you with her elbow. "How about we talk about you and Munson? What did that note say?" Hearing all the girls gasp and you give out a little laugh at their reactions. "It was nothing, he just wants to meet me after school for something, nothing else," you answer them. They all give out an "ooohh" and all you do is tell them to shut up before Eddie and his friends hear.
"Hey look, there is your lover boy right now! What is he doing??" Everyone in the cafeteria turns to look at Eddie who is standing on the cafeteria table yelling out to Jason and doing his hellfire club signal then jumping off the table. You turn your attention back to your friends and just shake your head with a smile. The bell rang signaling that lunch was over, you and all the girls picked up your things and walked towards different directions of your classes.

Time went by so fast, the next thing you know the final bell rang and everyone cheered which reminded you that today was the start of spring break. "Hey!" Startled, you jump and make eye contact with Sandy,"Oh sorry! Did not mean to scare you. I'm sorry but I cannot make it to band practice tonight and neither can Julie or Michelle....." "Seriously?? Ugh! Fine, whatever but we will practice at my house before the gig, okay?? This could be huge for us!" Agreeing, you give her a hug goodbye and start walking towards the back of the school. Through the soccer field and into the woods, you see the old picnic table and sit down and wait for Eddie. 5 minutes pass by and feel a tap on your shoulder, you gasp. "Wow, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" Eddie asks looking at you with worried eyes,"Yes. Sorry. What did you want to meet me for?" Smirking at you he takes a seat across from you and sets his metal treasure box down in between the both of you. "You know what I want, Princess." Giving you another smirk.

He leans in and places a kiss on your lips, you smile as you kiss him back. Pulling away he gives you another kiss but on the cheek. "I missed you all day, sweetheart." He whispered into your ear causing goosebumps on your skin and turning your cheeks bright red.

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