Chapter 25

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As you and Steve walked down the road in silence, Steve picked up the courage and began a conversation.

"So, you and Munson are really into each other huh? You're different with him." Turning your head to look at Steve and smiling at his question,"I know what everyone says about him, I hear it all the time at school. None of it it's true, he's actually a really nice guy. Like I told Robin, he came into my life when I least expected. He gave me so much love and comfort, he's actually the complete opposite of what people think he is." "I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all." You stopped walking and turned to face him,"He won't. Can't you just be happy for me? Soon, I'll graduate and get out of this hell whole town. Hopefully with Eddie and hopefully start a family together. Again, hopefully." Steve hugged you "At least one of us gets a happy ending," he whispered, pulling away from the hug to continue walking. Five minutes later the two of you reached the gas station

Walking inside Steve and you started grabbing items off the shelves. Opening the fridge of cold drinks you pull out a pack of beer,"Wow. What? Beer?" Steve tried to take it from your hand but you pulled back and walked up to the cashier and placed all the items on the counter. Paying the cashier, Steve and you walked back to the campsite and saw everyone outside running playing around. Once they saw you everyone huddled around and Steve started giving everyone food and water,"Here," you extended  to hand Eddie a beer,"Oh! You're the best, Princess!"
Taking the beer from your hand and giving you a kiss on the cheek.

Once everyone finished eating, Dustin started talking about the plan to kill Vecna. "We all know he wants Max, we'll use that against him. While he is concentrating on trying to get her, the three of you will be in the upside down to kill him. Eddie and I will be by the trailer to help you guys make sure you get in and out safely." "No! Max will not be the bait! Absolutely not! I'll do it! He also wants me, I'll hold him off as long as I can!!" You yelled and both Steve and Eddie yelled out a no. "Y/N, you are not going to be the one trying to be against Vecna, No! You-" Steve explained and Eddie cut him off,"Y/N. Sweetheart, that is not an option! You cannot. If something happens to you... I saw what happened to Chrissy, I cannot allow that to happen to you too. Please."
"It has to be me... I'm the one he wants the most. I'm the one who was able to return back into reality, I'm the only one who knows how. It has to be me." Max blurted out and everyone stayed silent.
"Right, so once Max is in Vecna's mind and tries to distract him, Lucas will signal Erica who will tell us through the walkie talkie. Once you guys kill him, Eddie and I will be waiting for you guys in his trailer to make it back into the real world. We'll wait till sundown, so we can head back to Hawkins and go through the gate to the upside down. Any questions? No?? Good! If we all stick to the plan, we'll be fine! Let's kill this son of a bitch!"

Everyone got up and Robin and Steve brought out all the items that were bought from the gun shop. Turning to look at Eddie, you could tell something was wrong,"Eddie? What's wrong? Talk to me." His lip began to slightly tremble as his eyes filled with tears,"Baby, what's wrong?" Pulling him close and hugging him and feeling his arms tightly hold onto you, nesting his head into the crook of your neck and hearing his little cry.
"I know this is what we've been waiting and planning for but, now that it's here... I just don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want to lose you." Holding him tightly and placing your hand on his neck, you pull back to look at him and place your hands on his cheeks. "Everything will be okay. I'll be with Steve and Robin, we got this! Just, promise me? Whatever happens, you come back here into the real world. To keep living life to the fullest! Promise me?" He stayed silent just looking into your eyes,"Y/N..." "Promise me, Eddie Munson!" "Sweetheart, if you're not with me... I don't know what I'll do. But I promise. And you promise me to come back? No matter what! I'll be waiting for you, always." Getting lost in his beautiful brown eyes as the sunlight hit them just perfectly, you smiled at him,"I promise. I'll be waiting for you, always." Dropping his hands down to your waist you wrapped your arms around his and the both of you kissed. "Ew! Gross!!!" Hearing everyone bicker about the little moment the two of you shared which made Eddie smile into the kiss and held you even tighter when you tried to pull away. Giggling, you finally managed to escape from his hold and walked over to Steve and Robin who were sitting right next to the trailer. Eddie walked over to Dustin as they began to work on their own choice of weapons.

"Here, fill these up and stick this in it. It's be like a fire bomb!" Robin excitedly handed you an empty glass bottle and took it from her and started filling it up with gasoline. After an hour you finished filling up the bottle and started helping Steve with packing everything, at the corner of your eye you saw Eddie and heard him talk with Dustin. "There will be no more retreating! From Eddie, the banished!" Distracted, you focused your attention on him admiring as he and Dustin began to play fight. "Never change, Dustin Henderson. Promise me?" Hearing Eddie talk to Dustin made you happy, you knew how much he cared for Dustin and appreciated their friendship even though he was never willing to admit it.

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