Chapter 23

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Opening your eyes feeling the trailer come to a complete stop, looking around seeing that everyone else also fell asleep.

Kissing Eddie's cheek, he woke up with a smile seeing you. "We're here, but you have to stay here while the rest of us go in. Erica, you too. I don't think it's safe for you to go into a shop like this." Explaining to her which made her answer back but you wouldn't budge,"Enough! You are going to sit your butt in this trailer and you're not going to move, K? We won't take long, come on you guys." "This is a bunch of bull shit," Erica yelled. "I'm staying too..." Max said as she placed her headphones back on while the rest of you left the trailer and walked into the gun shop.

The boys went their own separate way to pick some items while Robin and you looked at the handguns. Asking some questions to the clerk and placing the rifle in your hands to take a feel for it. "Badass," Robin commented, making you smile but then seeing her face change you turned around. "How much is this one? How much damage can it do?" Jason asked the clerk to show him a handgun and explained to him how it works, he turned to look at you. "Well, what do we have here? The freak's girlfriend,"Jason snickered while eyeing you up and down. "Do you plan on giving him up now? Better watch yourself if you know what's good for you, Y/N. I'll find him and then he will get what he deserves..." Jason whispered as he got close to your face, feeling that knot in your throat again trying to swallow it down. "If you know what is good for you, Jason. You stay away from me and my friends. Eddie didn't do anything. You and everyone else in this town will be proven completely wrong. Come close to me one more time and you will be sorry." Angrily replying to him as he backed away and left to the other side of the shop. Robin placed her hand on your shoulder and all you did was take a deep breath and finish the sale of the rifle. "Let's get the boys and get the hell out of here." Robin nodded her head and ran to look for the boys and once they made their purchases you all ran out of the shop and back into the trailer."Go! Go! Drive!!"

As Steve was driving you stood next to him and give him the directions to Victor Creel's house, nodding his head Steve continued to drive. Sitting back down next to Eddie, he laid his head on your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair. Turning your head to look at Max and giving her a little smile, she just stared for a minute and turned her focus back to the window. The whole 30 minute drive was completely silent, once arriving at Victor Creel's house you all got out of the trailer and walked up to the door which was blocked by a large wooden panel. "Great. Just great." Steve snarled as he tried to pull apart the wooden panel and Eddie helped him. Once they let it fall Steve shook the doorknob and of course the door didn't open. "How are we supposed to get in? We don't even have a key," "Here's a key" Robin leaned down to the floor and picked up a brick and threw it at the glass door making it shatter. Sticking his arm through, Steve turned the doorknob and opened the door. Carefully you all walk in and are divided into groups,"Lucas, Erica and Max together. Dustin and Steve. Robin, Eddie and I together." "What? I'm not babysitting! Why can't I be in your group??" Steve said annoyed and you just gave him a look and told him to go with Dustin. "Everyone be careful, it's getting dark so use your flashlights." Everyone nodded their head and went their separate ways around the house.

Not even 10 minutes, hearing Steve scream and you run over to him,"Spider! Spider! It was a black widow! I swear!" Giving him an angry look and telling him to stop fooling around. "Hey guys, we found something," Lucas said and you all followed him up the stairs seeing the lights flicker on and off. Holding onto Eddie's hand as you reached a room seeing Max stand in the middle,"It's here. Look." Max took her lantern and placed it in the middle and it began to glow,"So what does this mean?" You ask and Dustin explained how this exact spot is where Vecna is just in the upside down. "When he's preparing to attack, he's the most vulnerable since he is concentrating on taking a life. Right before his attack, we kill him..." Dustin said and the room stayed silent.

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