Chapter 22

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After a few minutes everyone started to bounce ideas on how to kill Vecna. "Again, we don't have weapons! We can't kill if we don't have anything to kill it with." Eddie said while pulling out the big yellow phone book.

Flipping through the pages he landed on one and pointed his finger on it. "This. This is the place we need to go. They have guns, lots of them. Knives, amo and even grenades." Eddie excitedly said but you were a little hesitant because there was no way any of that was legal. "Grenades? Is that even legal?" Robin asked which Eddie just responded with an "I don't know but doesn't matter. Do we want to kill Vecna and live or have it kill us? There's not that many options here. What do you think, sweetheart?" Eddie turned to look at you and you were still thinking but he was right, we needed as many weapons as we could get. "Okay. Let's do it. Let's kill this son of a bitch and prove your innocence." Eddie smiled but soon turned into a frown as Steve mentioned the fact that it was a long drive to the gun shop and there was no way his car would make it that far. Smirking, Eddie turned to look at Max,"Hey, red. Do you have a mask like a ski mask or something?" "Or something...." Max raised an eyebrow and left for her room.

A couple minutes later Max returned with a Michael Myers mask. "Here, this is all I have," Max said while handing it to Eddie. "That's horrifying, Eddie." You said as he put it on his face, making him laugh but told everyone to follow him. Walking behind his trailer and sneaking behind another one he opened the window and jumped in and everyone followed. "Eddie, what are we doing?" Walking up to the front of the trailer's driver seat, Eddie pulled out his pocket knife and cut the wires and began to hot wire. "My old man taught me everything he knew. Guess it did come in handy after all." "You're not going to drive this thing are you?" Robin asked and your eyes widened at the thought of Eddie's reckless driving, if Vecna wasn't going to kill you certainly Eddie's driving will. "Oh, no. You got me all wrong. I'm just the one to start this baby up. Steve's going to drive her, aren't you big boy?" Eddie smirked at him as he was successful in starting the engine and Steve got in the driver's seat and hit the gas pedal. Losing your balance you hold on tight to the counter top and in the window see Eddie's neighbors yell and run behind us seeing that the trailer was leaving the original spot. "Shit..." was the only thing you could say while everyone else laughed and cheered.

Sitting next to Eddie while on the drive there, you held his hand. "You know, I really did think I was going to lose you yesterday... I got so worried and started going through every single scenario in my head of what I would do or where I would end up if you were no longer in my life." "Eddie..." looking deep into his dark brown eyes, noticing them glistening as he tried not to cry. "I know we've only been together for about a month and a half now but, with you... I can't imagine my life without you. Call me soft but, I want you in my life forever. I dream of a life with you. To have our own house, with our kids and a dog running in the backyard. For you to greet me with a kiss each time I came home from work. When we end all of this stupid and crazy Vecna situation and I am no longer thought of as a killer, leave with me? We can go anywhere you want, just... Leave with me?" Shocked by every word Eddie said to you, you couldn't help but just widen your eyes and form a smile. "We can go as far away from Hawkins as possible once this is all over. Well, once we graduate of course. I just, I've never been more certain in my life about anything. Except for you." Hearing every single word Eddie said to you made your heart beat so fast and your stomach felt like it was about to explode from all the butterflies you were feeling right now. Shaking your head yes you bring his face close to yours and kiss him hard,"Yes. A life with you, forever." You whisper, making him smile and the two of you kiss again.

"Well that's cute. But can you guys cut it out now? It's grossing me out a little bit." Dustin said, making you laugh. Turning your attention back to Eddie, sitting back down and laying your head on his shoulder, enjoying the ride.

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