Chapter 12

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Standing still as the warm water hit your body, you couldn't help but to continue thinking about what officer Powell said. You couldn't stop crying, your mind kept going through different scenarios but one thing you knew deep in your heart is that Eddie did not do what they accuse him of.

Stepping out of the shower, you walked to your room to change. Once you got dressed you looked at the time and it was currently noon, quickly putting on your shoes you ran out the house to Dustin's. You needed to find Eddie, you didn't know who else to ask for help except for a little boy and his friends. Knocking rapidly on the door Dustin and his friend Max opened the door, wide eyed they greeted you. Stepping inside you asked if they could talk in private, walking into Dustin's room the three of you sat down and talked about the situation. Max explained what she saw and all you could do was shake your head no,"No. no! Eddie did not do anything, Max! He's a good person and Chrissy? She's been going through a lot, she asked for my help once but unfortunately I couldn't give her what she wanted. I guess she went to Eddie for a supply..."
"Y/N! Where would he go that he found to be his safe place? That's where we need to go, but carefully... the police are watching our every move." Dustin asked and you agreed,"Just one problem... I don't have my car. Eddie borrowed it and now the police have it under evidence. We can't go anywhere without a car." Sadly you confessed,"You leave that to me!" Dustin left his room and into the living room to make a phone call.


Night time came and a car pulled into Dustin's house, stepping out the car it was Steve. The both of you looked at each other while Dustin and Max got in the car. Following behind them, Steve grabbed your arm to stop you.
"Y/N, listen I'm sorry about the other night. I shouldn't have put my nose into someone else's business. It was just shocking to me. I just hope you're okay now with everything going on with Eddie." Steve hugged you and you held close to him crying,"Steve... the things that they are saying about him. He didn't do anything! I know him, he wouldn't hurt anyone, we have to help him." Pulling away from his grasp and wiping away your tears, you get in the car. "Welcome to the team, Y/N," Robin smiled at you.

Giving Steve directions to a hidden cabin near lovers lake, you arrive and all of you step out of the car. Taking a hidden key from under a rock, you open the door. "Eddie? Eddie, are you here? It's okay, it's me, Y/N." Everyone roamed the cabin with their flashlights and you heard a loud bang and Steve was on the floor with a broken beer bottle to his neck. "Eddie! Stop! It's us, it's us! Let him go, Eddie!" He turned to look at you and his eyes softened as he let go of the broken bottle. Pushing away he crawled to a corner and started to cry and whispered, "I'm sure you all think I did it... don't you?" Going over to place your hand on his shoulder, he flinched. "Eddie, baby... We just want to talk, please? We know you didn't do anything. We just want to know your side of the story. Baby, please." Sitting across from him to allow some space and time, taking a deep breath and wiping away the tears with his hands he started to explain.
"It was like she was in some sort of trance. I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't move until... Sh-Sh-She started to float up to the ceiling... then her bones. Started to snap." His voice was shaky but once he finished speaking he looked into your eyes and got closer to you. With open arms you hugged him tightly as he started to cry harder.
"Oh, sweetheart... you're okay. You're safe now. You're safe." Stroking his hair as he nuzzled his head into your neck, you turned to look at everyone who were just waiting for Eddie to calm down. Once he did, Dustin asked him questions. "Any weird black flakes floating in the air? Did the lights start to flicker on and off?" Eddie answered both questions with a no,"Once I saw her like that, I just ran away! I just left her there and I ran..." Eddie said with a sadness in his voice.
"Eddie, listen man. We believe you. There was nothing you could have done for her. Listen, you know how people say Hawkins is cursed? They're not entirely wrong , there's another world hidden underneath Hawkins. Sometimes things slip out from that world and enter ours." Dustin begins to explain.
"Wh-what? Like ghosts and shit?" Confused, Eddie turned to look at you for reassurance but you just told him to listen.
"They're creatures. Monsters that we have encountered and thought were gone but they're back. That's why we needed to find you, we needed to know if those monsters are back." Staying silent with tears in his eyes, Eddie grabbed your hand and squeezed it.
"Wait. You said it seemed like she was under a trance? Almost like a curse... Vecna's curse!" Dustin seemed to have figured it out and started talking about this supposed monster that is also part of the D&D game.
"Spell caster." Eddie whispered and squeezed your hand tighter.
Steve looked at his watch and said that we all needed to leave and that we can continue to talk about everything tomorrow morning. Everyone agreed and started walking towards the door,"Y/N, come on it's late." Steve said, waiting for you to follow. Turning to look at Eddie with worried eyes,"I'll stay here. I'm not leaving him..."
Trying to talk you out of your decision, Steve agreed to let you stay but they will be back early in the morning with a food supply.

Locking the cabin door, it was just you and Eddie in this dark old cabin but you didn't care. You felt safe again.

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