Chapter 19

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Once it was dark enough, you all left the cabin and followed behind Dustin who had the compass in his hand.

Walking alongside Eddie hand in hand, he held onto you tightly because he knew how frightened you are of being in the woods late at night.
Every time you heard an unfamiliar sound you would turn your head to look around,"Y/N, sweetheart. It's okay, just an owl. Come on we don't want to lose them" Eddie said while pulling your arm as everyone kept walking. Coming to a stop you were all at the other side of Lovers lake,"This doesn't make sense! I mean, can the gate be in between?" Dustin said looking out into the water,"One way to find out," Steve snatched the compass from Dustin's hands and pushed the small boat that was in front of us. Robin helped, as well you and Eddie. "Great, let's go." Dustin tried to step into the boat but Steve pushed him with the oar," You're staying here, all three of you. Can't risk any of you drowning, stay hidden." "That's not fair! It was my idea! Damn it...!" Dustin argued as the boat started to get further away from shore while Eddie and Steve rowed the boat. Having the compass in your hand, you told the boys to stop as the compass started to spin rapidly ,"It's here."

Steve stood up and proceeded to remove his jacket and shirt. "What are you doing??" Both Robin and you said at the same time. "I'm going in. I was in the swim team, so I'm the only one who can hold their breath long enough to go down and see." With wide eyes you stare at Steve's bare chest, and Robin let out a laugh. "You're so harry...." Robin commented and that made you laugh. "Please be careful, Steve. In and out, okay? Hurry." Steve plunged into the water and it was just the three of you, getting really nervous you began to bite your nails and you stared down at the water. Two minutes pass by and Steve pops his head up from the water startling you. "I saw it! It's down there!" While trying to get back into the boat Steve felt something tug in his foot and then was quickly pulled down into the water and all three of you yelled his name. "We have to go and help him! He could drown!" You yelled as you got up from the boat getting ready to jump but Eddie's hand stopped you. "Sweetheart, you can't! It's dangerous!" He pleaded but Steve was your best friend and weren't going to waste another second of him being down there. "We have to help him, Eddie. He's my one of best friends..." feeling his grasp on your hand loosen you quickly kissed his cheek and jumped into the water hearing Eddie yell your name from the surface.
"He's my best friend too," Robin held her nose and flipped back into the water. "No!! Shit! Son of a bitch..!!! Ugh! Fine!" Eddie jumps into the water and swam down.

Coughing you looked around and everything was dark. Steve helped you up from the floor and asked if you were okay and you just shake your head yes and hugged him. "You shouldn't have come, it could be dangerous," Steve released you from the hug and the both of you turned your heads as you heard Eddie and Robin. Running over to Eddie to help him up,"you didn't have to-" cutting you off with a kiss,"I go wherever you are, Princess."
Hearing a loud scream, the both of you turn your heads and see what looked to be bats fly towards you. "Run... RUN!!!" Steve yelled and all of you started to run but one flew down swinging its tail causing Steve to fall and more surrounded him. "STEVE!!!" You saw a plank of wood and started swinging it around hitting the bats away from Steve. He yelled out in pain as Robin pulled on the tail of one of the bats that was attached to his stomach. Cutting off its head with the plank of wood one flew away and the rest followed. "What the hell were those things??!!! They bit you! You got bitten! Oh my god.....!!! You think those things carry rabies??! They probably do! Oh my god.... You probably have rabies now!" Robin started rambling on until Steve told her to be quiet. Helping him walk you all reached a tree and you ripped the end of your shirt and started to wrap it around his abdomen. "Stay still!" you told Steve as he squirmed while placing your hand and covered his wound. "There. That should help with the bleeding. This is why, you don't take your shirt off or else some weird bat thing will attack." "Yeah well, the chicks dig me better shirtless." Steve smirked and winked at you making you laugh but soon stopped seeing in the corner of your eye Eddie's stare. Clearing your throat you walk away from Steve and stand next to Eddie,"Here. Put this on, so you're not so exposed.." removing his jean jacket Eddie handed it to Steve and he put it on giving him a thanks. "You're not jealous, right?" whispering to Eddie as the four of you start walking through the area. "Please. Me? Jealous of harry Harrington? Pfft! Yeah right." You giggled at his comment and he grabbed your hand intertwining your fingers together and just continued walking.

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