Chapter 26

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Once it was getting close to sunset, you all headed back towards Hawkins but first stopping at Victor Creel's house.

During the drive you and Eddie held hands, he squeezed it tightly and turned to look at you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you turned to meet eyes with Max. Walking over to her you tapped on her shoulder and she removed her headphones,"Whatever happens today, I want you to know that you are cared and loved for. I will not allow anything to happen to you,okay? You hold on strong while we kill that monster! You are strong and I believe in you, Maxine." Pulling her into a hug and you felt her hands wrap around you and hold on tight. For the rest of the ride you and Max held onto each other until Steve parked the car and Lucas, Erica and Max left the trailer and walked inside the house. Before Lucas walked out of the trailer you grabbed his arm,"Be careful. I know you'll take good care of each other, if something happens you pull her out quick." Looking at you he nodded his head and walked towards the house, once they reached up stairs they flashed their flashlight signaling that they were in position.

Reaching Hawkins, it was completely vacant. Usually at night there were people out but guess today everyone decided to stay in.
"Leave the trailer behind the woods of the trailer park. We can walk the rest of the way, we don't want to be seen with this stolen trailer." Eddie commented to Steve and he nodded his head and turned into the woods and parked the trailer. Grabbing all the bags the five of you started walking towards the direction of Eddie's trailer, getting closer all of you sneaked inside. "Okay, let's do this..." Dustin said being the first to climb through the bed sheet rope and everyone followed behind.

Being the final one in the upside down, you all went through the plan again and nodded to Steve in reassurance. The whole time you held onto Eddie's hand, you were scared and he knew. As you all walked out of the trailer Eddie stopped you and turned your face to look at him,"Everything will go according to plan. You're tough, I wouldn't want to be Vecna right now knowing you were coming. It's like you were destined for an alternate dimension..." Eddie whispered into your ear making you laugh,"Please stay safe, both of you. I love you, always... Edward Munson." "I love you, Y/F/N. Always." The both of you shared a kiss and pulled away hearing Steve say that you needed to go.

"Listen, the both of you. Stay safe, stay hidden. And please, don't try to be heroes. Not tonight." Steve pointed at both Dustin and Eddie and they laughed,"Oh don't worry. We are definitely not heroes..." Eddie replied and you frowned because even though he didn't know it, he was being a hero just by being part of this. Quickly running to him you hugged and kissed him one last time. You didn't want to let go of him, you were afraid but pulled away from his arms walking back to Steve and Robin.
After 45 minutes the three of you reached the house, the floor was surrounded by slimy vines that slithered around. "Be careful where you step. It's connected to him, if you step on them he will know we're here," Robin explained as she carefully walked avoiding the areas where most of the vines were. As the three of you got towards the stairs you tried your best to avoid all the vines until the ground shook violently.
Trying to catch yourself from slipping you held onto the railing but your foot stepped on one of the vines,"Shit.....!" You cursed out seeing the vines rapidly start to move,"Run! Run! Go! Go!" Steve yelled out pushing you out of the way and pulled out an ax. Robin and you tried running up the stairs as quickly as possible but your foot was taken and was yanked to the floor,"Y/N!!" Robin yelled as she was being tied up against the wall.
Frantically putting your hands in your pockets you pull out a pocket knife and slice off the slimy vine around your foot, even accidentally cutting yourself in the process.

Feeling the release on your foot you quickly ran to Robin and cut the vine that was wrapping around her neck. As you wrapped Robin's arm over your shoulders to help her walk up stairs, Steve yelled. Turning around he was pinned to the wall and all the vines wrapped around body,"Steve!" Both you and Robin yelled out but then being pulled apart as the vines wrapped around your feet not being able to move. The both of you screamed trying to grab a hold of each other, feeling your body being dragged down you held one hand onto the railing of the stairs and the other holding tight to Robin's hand. Crying in fear as the grip around your foot became tighter and your fingers started to slip from Robin's hold. "Y/N!!!" Robin cried out as your body was forcefully pulled causing you to completely lose grip, you screamed at the top of your lungs until everything became completely dark.

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