Chapter 30

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*TW: mentioned of self harm

Hearing a loud thud you opened your eyes and everything was pitch black. Turning to look around the room and noticing that the window was wide open, scared you slowly turned the bedside lamp on.

Searching around your room, there was nothing so you walked over to the window and closed it shut but still leaving the clasp up. It must have been the wind that caused it to open, you thought to yourself and shuffled back to your bed until seeing a shadow move in the closet. The first thing that came to mind was Vecna, you knew he would come for you at some point. Walking close to the closet you saw a face and scared you screamed but it was quickly muffled as a hand was placed over your mouth. Looking at those gorgeous dark brown eyes you couldn't believe it. How was it possible? Feeling your body weakened the more you stared until finally your body completely gave out and everything went blank.


Feeling fingers gently across your face you opened your eyes only seeing a blur until everything came to focus. Wide eyed, you scooted off from the bed not noticing the edge making you fall on the floor. "No... No. No. No. I'm dreaming. This is a dream. You're not really here... you're not, this is a dream." Shaking your head as you walk away from the bed and shut your eyes in hopes to make yourself wake up.

Feeling a touch on your shoulder you jolted away and opened your eyes to look. "Baby, it's not a dream. I'm here. I'm really here." Hearing his sweet voice made the tears in your eyes flow down your cheeks. Taking your hand and placing it on his cheek and jolting it back feeling the warmth of his skin. Still questioning it, you shook your head no and stepped back,"No... Whatever this sick game Vecna is playing with me, I don't like it." The tears continued to flow and then his hands cupped your face to make you stare into his eyes. "It's not Vecna. It's me, I'm here. Sweetheart, look at me... please." Letting out a cry you wrapped your arms around him and held him tight,"Eddie..." you whispered and completely broke down in his arms.

The two of you held each other for a long period of time until you felt his fingers lift your chin up, leaning down to you and crashing your lips together. Kissing him back you melted feeling the warmth of his touch. Placing your hands around the back of his neck to pull him in tighter.
Pulling away from the kiss you stared deeply into his eyes, oh how you missed his eyes. "How? They told me that you died... I-I saw your burial. Steve said.. Why would he lie? Why would he keep this from me? Why did you? You lied...." Starting to feel anger build and you stepped back from Eddie and just looked at him. "Why? Why would you do that to me?! I cried so much for you! I tried to end my life because I believed you were gone... Why would you lie to me!" Pushing him in the chest with as much force as you possibly had causing him to stumble onto the corner of the bed. You were so angry right now, you couldn't believe that they kept this a secret from you. Laughing to yourself and turning your back towards him. Did he really think that a kiss would make it all better and easy to forgive this fucked up lie?

"Y/N, sweetheart I-" cutting him off with a slap to the face. Realizing what you just did and gasping, quickly covering your mouth with your hands to prevent from being too loud. "Eddie, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I'm just so confused," apologizing seemed to be the right thing to do as you walked closer to him and placed your hand on his cheek feeling the heat that you caused as well as the wetness from his tears. "Eddie, I'm sorry..." using your thumb to wipe away the tears and lifting his head up to look at him. The glaze that the tears made in his dark brown eyes made your heart flutter. You never thought that you would ever have that feeling again. "I wanted to keep you safe... I hated this idea and I wanted them to tell you but they said it was more believable if you were also told that I died. Y/N, I'm sorr-'' cutting him off by placing your lips against his. Quickly feeling his hands around your waist pulling you even closer, making you smile. Still holding you tight he scooted towards the middle of the bed and you followed. Pushing him against the bed you leaned to reach the bedside lamp and turned it off, now the both of you were in complete darkness except for the small light that the moon provided from the outside.

Turning your attention back to him you started to develop goosebumps as he started sliding his hand underneath your shirt. With a quick swift motion your shirt was off, you leaned down to kiss him. Slowly trailing your lips down to his neck, feeling as his pulse quickened. Sliding your hand underneath his shirt, his muscles tensed up at your touch. He leaned up to help with the removal of his shirt, both of your chest pressed against each other's. His metal rings against your bare back caused you to shudder but having the warmth of his skin pressed against yours caused the goosebumps to form again. He gently grazed his fingers up and down your back and you intertwined your fingers into his long curly hair.
"I missed you. So much, Ed." You whisper into his ear as he kisses all around your body making you giggle as he reaches a ticklish spot on your stomach.

Wrapping an arm against your back he slowly tipped you over and laid you flat on the bed. The both of you kissed until you broke apart and he laid his head on your chest. Trying to calm down your breathing and heartbeat, you run your fingers through his hair and the both of you enjoy the peaceful silence of the night. "I wanted to come sooner but Steve always caught me. Him and Hopper? I think his name is, threatened to tie me to a chair if I kept trying to leave the cabin they kept me in." You giggled as he explained,"I still wish you hadn't lied to me..." Picking his head up from your chest to look at you, his hair fell against his face and you pushed it away tucking it behind his ear. Laying down next to you, you turned your body to face him.
"After I was attacked by those demon bats I thought I was a goner. I really did. Somehow they were able to save me and kept me hidden, they said that they were going to work on clearing my name. Making everyone believe I was dead would make the police stop searching for me. Hopper said he was going to take care of it but that we needed to keep it a secret even from you to make it more believable. I only agreed because Steve told me that you were going to move and I thought..." he took a deep breath and stared deeply into your eyes. "I thought that your life would be better outside of Hawkins. A better life without me." Wiping your tears with your hands you scooted closer to him,"I wanted to be taken away from this world thinking that you were no longer in it... For the time that I believed that you were gone, I couldn't cope. You are the love of my life, Eddie." Kissing your forehead the both of you laid back in bed with your head against his chest hearing the sound of his heartbeat. "I love you," he whispered in your ear, making you smile and the tears rolled down from your eyes. "I love you."

You felt cold. You felt weak. Turning your head as
you saw the sun slowly rise and peak through your window. Your vision became blurry, your breathing became lighter and weaker as the seconds passed by. Smiling to yourself feeling as your heartbeat slowed. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart," Eddie whispered and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I'll see you soon," you whispered back, shutting your eyes and hearing the little clanking sound of the pill bottle hit the door.

There was no more sound. There was no more pain. Only peace. Seeing Eddie in the distance, you ran to him.

"You and I, always. Like we promised..."

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