Chapter 3

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After Eddie and you grab a quick bite to eat, the both of you return to school for the hellfire club. Walking through the hallway hand and hand while hearing the cheers from the students who are watching the basketball game.

The walk from the school entrance to the hellfire club room was not long, but you enjoyed having these types of moments with Eddie. No one at school knew about your relationship and you loved the secrecy. Holding tight to his hand he turned to look at you and winked, making you blush. Oh did he have a deep effect on you and no one would have ever guessed it... Opening the door of the room, the both of you walk in and greet Gareth and Jeff. "Is Y/N going to be the substitute today?" Gareth asked, eyeing you. "Does she even know how to play??" Jeff commented with a judgemental tone and the both of them laughed.
"Both of you back off! Fix your tone or I'll do it for you," Eddie hissed at them both. "For your information, Y/N and I have been dating for quite some time now. Sorry I did not tell you guys but we wanted to keep it behind closed doors. So if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut! Got it?!" The two boys nodded and quickly apologized and turned back to set up the D&D game. Turning to smile at you and giving you a wink, Eddie walks you up to what he calls 'the throne'. Taking a seat and admiring as he also helps set up the game, he pulls out the D&D book and his dice. 5 minutes go by and the doors open, walking in Dustin, Mike and another little girl.
"Well what do we have here? Is this your replacement? Is she even allowed to stay up this late?" Eddie asked angrily looking at the little girl.
"My name is Lady Applejack, you jungle looking freak!" She snapped back. "I am a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14 and can take all of you losers down with my powers and skills."

You just smile while witnessing Eddie being taken back by her answer. Turns out she was Lucas Sinclair's little sister who was substituting for him since he decided to play basketball instead of being here to play D&D. You don't blame him though, you weren't exactly happy to be sitting here but for Eddie you would do anything.

"Y/N?" Snapping back into reality you turn to look at Dustin and Mike,"You play D&D?" Both boys asked. Letting out a little laugh you respond,"No, I do not. I am just here in support of Eddie." You turn to reach for his hand and intertwine your hands together. The two young boys had a questioning look on their faces until it finally clicked. "Wait. You two? No way! Since when??!" Mike asked and Dustin just had his mouth wide open in disbelief.
"That is none of your business! Henderson, close your mouth before a bug flies in it! And the three of you will keep your mouths shut! Do you understand?! What you see and hear in this room, stays in this room, got it?!" Eddie angrily exclaimed. In fear the boys and Erica nod their head yes. "Good! Now let's play!" Excitedly Eddie yells out. They all take a seat at the table and Eddie pulls your hand to signal for you to get off the throne,"Oh sorry," apologizing realizing that he wanted to sit. You start to walk away but Eddie takes a hold of your arm and pulls you into his lap. You smile at him and wrap your arm around his shoulder preparing yourself to be entertained by the group of nerds and your boyfriend.

1 hour has gone by and the game has intensified, it seems to be up to Erica to beat the villain named Vecna. Rolling the dice she gets the number that she needs and everyone cheers!
"What? What? What?!" Eddie says in a goofy voice surprised by the outcome. Getting off of his lap, Eddie walks down to Erica and extends his hand to her,"Good job, Lady Applejack." They shake hands and Erica has a huge smile on her face. Taking Eddie's dice and D&D book from the table, he grabs your hand and you all walk out of the room still cheering at the outcome of the game.

Eddie says goodbye to his friends and the both of you start walking towards your car. Handing the keys to Eddie, he opens the passenger door for you and he jogs to the driver's seat. "Best game ever!" Eddie said with happiness,"it's all because of you, sweetheart! You're the lucky charm." Leaning towards you and giving you a kiss. Feeling the softness of his lips and tasting the slight hint of weed, you smile pulling away. He starts the car and pulls out of the school parking lot,  driving towards the direction of the trailer park.

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